Drafting 2nd Year


1       Cassion foundation in which air pressure is used

C       A         open cassion                     

B         box cassion            

C         pneumatic cassion                          

D         any one

2       Horizontal member of the building dividing the building in storeys

A       A         floor              

B         lintel              

C         slab               

D         roof

3       Prepared surface on which ground floor is constructed

C       A         base              

B         sub base                  

C         sub-grade                

D         sub-soil

4       Standard thickness of under layer in floor

B       A         10 cm            

B         5 cm              

C         7.5 cm                       

D         4.5 cm

5       Thickness of topping of tarrazo floor

B       A         1/8 in             

B         ¼ in              

C         ¾ in              

D         1.00 in

6       Under side of the arch is called

D       A         hanch                       

B         intrados                   

C         extrados                  

D         soffit

7       Inner curve of an arch is called

B       A         hanch                       

B         intrados                   

C         extrados                  

D         soffit

8       The portion below the line joining crowns of consecutive arches is called

D       A         hanch                       

B         extrados                  

C         crown                       

D         spandrel

9       Intermediate support of an arch

B       A         abutment                 

B         pier                

C         crown                       

D         spandrel

10     The intermediate support of series of arches is called

B       A         abutment                 

B         pier                

C         crown                       

D         spandrel

11     Under surface of the flight of stair

D       A         waist             

B         landing                     

C         flight              

D         soffit

12     Supporting beams under the flight of stair

C       A         waist             

B         landing                     

C         flight              

D         soffit

13     The total horizontal distance of stair is known as

D       A         rise                

B         going            

C         landing                     

D         run

14     The lowest member of shutter is called

D       A         top rail                      

B         freiz rail                    

C         lock rail                    

D         bottom rail

15     The window which projects outside the room of a building is called

B       A         c-window                 

B         bay window            

C         dormer window                                              

D         lantern-window

16     A       window fixed at flat roof is called window

D       A         C – window             

B         bay window            

C         dormer window                                   

D         lantern-window

17     The roof which slopes in two directions

D       A         mansard                  

B         hipped                      

C         gable             

D         gambrel

18     Frame work of triangles used to take load of roofs is called

B       A         tenon joint               

B         truss             

C         section                     

D         R.S jaist

19     Vertical triangular portion of wall under the sloping roof

A       A         gable             

B         gambrel                    

C         hut                 

D         pitch

20     The joint at highest point of truss is called

A       A         pext joint                  

B         eave joint                 

C         lap joint                    

D         butt joint

21     In frame structures joints between various elements of the building are of such type

A       A         fixed              

B         simply supported              

C         hinged                      

D         flexible

22     Overlap in reinforcement placed horizontal

D       A         10 d               

B         20 d               

C         30 d               

D         40 d

23     Overlap in reinforcement placed vertical

C       A         10 d               

B         20 d               

C         30 d               

D         40 d

24     Slenderness ratio of column is

B       A         D/L                 

B         L/D                 

C         2L/D              

D         3L/2D

25     Slenderness ratio of short column is

D       A         45                   

B         30                   

C         20                   

D         15

26     Total width of road between boundry pillars

D       A         metalled width                    

B         formation width                 

C         carriage width           

D         land width

27     Width of road between brick on edges

A       A         metalled width                    

B         formation width                 

C         carriage width            

D         land width

28     Width of road including carriage way and soulders

B       A         metalled width                    

B         formation width                 

C         carriage width           

D         land width

29     Horizontal distance between two piers or abutments of a bridge

C       A         length of bridge                 

B         width of bridge                   

C         span                     

D         size of bridge

30     Maximum span of arch culvert

B       A         2m                 

B         3 m                

C         4 m                

D         6 m

31     External supports of a bridge / culvert

A       A         abutment                 

B         pier                

C         deck              

D         wing wall

32     Internal supports of a bridge / culvert

B       A         abutment                 

B         pier                

C         deck              

D         wing wall

33     Walls constructed below the floor of a bridge at its ends

D       A         wing wall                 

B         cross wall                

C         shear wall                

D         toe-wall

34     Walls constructed at the ends of abutments of a bridge at suitable angle to protect embankment

A       A         wing wall                 

B         cross wall                

C         shear wall                

D         toe-wall

35     U/S toe walls depth as compared to D/S toe wall is

C       A         more             

B         less               

C         equal to                    

D         anyone

36     A cross drainage work in which natural drain passes under the canal

A       A         aqueduct                 

B         super passage                   

C         level crossing             

D         outlet

37     A cross drainage work in which natural drain passes over the canal

B       A         aqueduct                 

B         super passage                   

C         level crossing              

D         outlet

38     In drawing small irrigation structures scale is adopted

D       A         1 / 100                       

B         1 / 50             

C         1 / 10             

D         1 / 4

39     For irrigation channels the RF of horizontal scale as compared to vertical scale is

C       A         less               

B         equal to                    

C         more             

D         same

40     A tank used to collect the waste water is called

B       A         manhole                   

B         septic tank              

C         soakage pit             

D         none of these

41     Filter media of soakage pit consists of

D       A         sand              

B         brick bats                

C         brick ballast            

D         all of these

42     Tool bar below menu bar

B       A         option                       

B         standard                  

C         properties                

D         layer

43     The bar having file view format tools etc commands

B       A         title bar                     

B         menu bar                 

C         status bar                

D         standard bar

44     Offset is command of this menu

D       A         draw              

B         view              

C         tools              

D         modify

45     A small box at intersection of cross hairs in auto cad

A       A         pick box                   

B         tool bar                     

C         tool tip                      

D         drawing area

46     Rectangular co-ordinates are also known as

B       A         Square                     

B         Cartesian                 

C         Point             

D         Dot

47     Drawing settings does not include

B       A         SNAP            

B         OSNAP                     

C         UNITS                       

D         GRID

48     Command of draw menu of auto cad

D       A         line                

B         hatch            

C         table              

D         all of these

49     The mostly used option of hatch is

A       A         ANSI              

B         CUSTOM                 

C         PRE-DEFINED                   

D         ISO

50     Chamfer command is an option of the menu

C       A         DRAW                       

B         TOOLS                     

C         MODIFY                    

D         FORMAT

51     Alias of command object snap in auto cad

A       A         Os                  

B         Obs               

C         Ojs                 

D         OTS

52     ARC command available in the menu

A       A         DRAW                       

B         MODIFY                    

C         TOOLS                     

D         FORMAT

53     Command of modify tool bar in auto cad

D       A         copy              

B         mirror            

C         join                

D         all of these

54     Command of modify tool bar

A       A         mirror            

B         circle             

C         point             

D         solid

55     This command is in modifying tool bar

C       A         line                

B         poly line                   

C         offset            

D         make block

56     Command of draw menu

A       A         Arc                 

B         Offset            

C         erase             

D         explode

57     Command of draw menu

A       A         line                

B         hatch            

C         table              

D         all of these

58     Command used to dimension dia of circle

B       A         DDA              

B         DDI                

C         DCO              

D         DRA

59     Platting of drawing is in the menu

B       A         tools              

B         file                  

C         format                       

D         draw

60     Angle of line in right side direction is

C       A         180o               

B         90o                 

C         0o                   

D         30o

61     Size of cross hair can be changed in the menu by

C       A         format                       

B         insert            

C         tool                

D         modify

62     Grid is option of this bar

D       A         title bar                     

B         menu bar                 

C         status bar                

D         tool bar

63     To remove selected portions of line the commands used is

D       A         erase             

B         trim                

C         move             

D         a and b

64     Menu of 3D max is

D       A         edit                

B         group            

C         rendering                 

D         all of these

65     Drawing limits is the option of

C       A         edit                

B         draw              

C         format                       

D         view

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