1.      Survey which show the natural features of a country are knows as

C       A         cadastral survey    

B         engineering surveys       

C         topographical survey                             

D         none of these

2.      A short chain can be mended by       

B       A         replacing a link      

B         straightening a bent link            

C         replacing the open rings

            D         all of those

3.      Sum of internal angles of a triangle

C       A         90 degree                

B         180 degree              

C         270 degree              

D         360 degree

4.      Open traverse is suitable for the survey of

D       A         Rivers                       

B         roads                                    

C         canals                       

D         all of these

5.      The true meridian passes through

C       A         arbitrary poles                    

B         magnetic poles                  

C         geographical poles

6.      If the bearing of line AB is 45 NE and AC is 35 SE then angle BAC will be

A       A         100 degree              

B         90 degree                

C         75 degree                

D         60 degree

7.      If the reduced bearing of line AB = 80 degree SE its W.C.B

B       A         200 degree              

B         100 degree              

C         270 degree              

D         240 degree

8.      Bearing of two lines are 135 degree and 45 degree respectively then the angle subtended will be as

B       A         180 degree              

B         90 degree                

C         45 degree                

D         35 degree

9.      Magnetic bearing of a line is 55 degree – 30’ and declination is 4 degree – 30’ true bearing of the line will be

C       A         60 degree              

B         49 degree                

C         51 degree    

D         71 degree

10.    Instrument used to indicate north direction on the sheet of plane table.

B       A         surveyor compass            

B         trough compass                

C         prismatic compass                                         

D         all of these

11.    Leveling centering and orientation of plane table is called

A       A         setting          

B         radiation                  

C         intersection             

D         centering

12.    Function of keeping the plane table in suitable direction.

C       A         radiation                  

B         intersection             

C         orientation               

D         traversing

13.    Method to establish new survey stations in plane table survey.

B       A         radiation                  

B         resection                 

C         intersection             

D         traversing 

14.    Process to bring point of drawing sheet vertically over ground                     station.

B       A         leveling

B         centering                 

C         orientation               

D         setting

15.    Plumbing fork is used for

B       A         orientation               

B         centering                 

C         leveling                    

D         reversing

16.    Method of plane table survey suitable in uneven ground is

B       A         radiation                  

B         inter section            

C         traversing                

D         resection

17.    The principle of plane table is

A       A         parallelism               

B         triangulation                       

C         traversing                                                     

D         none of these

18.    In plane table survey the operation which must be carried out.

D       A         centering                 

B         leveling                    

C         orientation               

D         all of these

19.    Process to determine the elevation of points of earth.

B       A         chainaing                

B         leveling                    

C         traversing                

D         tachometry

20.    A surface parallel to mean spherical surface of earth is called.

A       A         level surface                       

B         curved surface                   

C         plane surface                               

D         none

21.    A plane tangential to the level surface at a point is called

A       A         vertical plane                      

B         horizontal plane                 

C         normal plane                              

D          none

22.    A line perpendicular to level surface is called

B       A         vertical line              

B         horizontal line                    

C         datum line               

D         none

23.    A mark on a permanent place the level of which above datum is known

C       A         bench mark             

B         trade mark               

C         change point          

D         none of these

24.    The B.M established by survey of Pakistan is known as

B       A         permanent BM       

B         GTS BM                   

C         arbitrary BM

D         temporary BM

25.    An imaginary line joining the intersection of the cross hair to the optical centre of the eye piece is called

B       A         level              

B         collimation              

C         centre line               

D         axis of telescope

26.    A line joining the optical centre of the object glass to the centre of eye piece is called

B       A         axis of telescope               

B         collimation              

C         bubble axis             

D         centre line

27.    An imaginary line tangential to the surface of bubble tube.

A       A         axis of telescope              

B         collimation              

C         bubble axis                                               

D         horizontal line

28.    A point where level is placed

C       A         station point                       

B         bench mark             

C         instrument station                        

D         datum

29.    A line perpendicular to level surface is called.

A       A        vertical line              

B         horizontal line                    

C         datum line                                     

D         non of these

30.    Bench mark established at the end of days leveling work is called.

C       A         GTS – BM                

B         permanent B.M                  

C         temporary B.m       

D         arbitrary

31.    A vertical distance above or below the datum is called.

A       A         reduced level of point                  

B         height of point                    

C         depth of point         

D         level of point

32.    During leveling work a point at which staff is held

C       A         staff point                

B         bench mark             

C         station point           

D         instrument station

33.    Leveling staff is generally ft long.

A       A         14 ft               

B         12 ft               

C         10 ft               

D         8ft

34.    Least count of metric staff.

B       A        10 mm                   

B         5mm                      

C        15mm                    

D        2mm

35.    A djustment of instrument necessary before every staff reading.

A       A         temporary                

B         permanent               

C         none of these                     

D         a and b

36.    Bubble axis should be parallel to the following before taking staff reading.

C       A         horizontal axis                   

B         vertical axis             

C         collimation                                  

           D          level line

37.    The line of collimation should be parallel to the following before taking staff reading.

C       A         horizontal axis                   

B         vertical axis             

C         coincide                                               

D         all of these 

38.    The line of collimation and axis of telescope should be

C       A         parallel                     

B         perpendicular                     

C         coincide                   

D         normal

39.    The last reading before shifting the instrument is called

B       A         back sight               

B         fore sight                 

C         inter sight                

D         any one

40.    In fly leveling the reading generally not taken

C       A         back sight               

B         fore sight                 

C         inter sight                

D         line of sight

41.    First sight taken on change point.

B       A         back sight               

B         fore sight                 

C         inter sight                

D         any one

42.    Back sight on a b.m having R.L 101 m is 0.025 m. at any point of R.L 100.425 m F.S will be

C       A        0.425             

B         0.025             

C         0.600             

D         1.025

43.    Back sight on a b.m having R.L 100 m is 2.685 m. at any point of F.S is 1.345 m R.L of this point will be

A       A         100.340                     

B         100.345                     

C         100.685                

D         102.685

44.    A point where both fore sight and back sight readings are taken.

B       A         Bench mark                        

B         change point                      

c          station point

             d         none of these

45.    The operation of leveling across any river is called

A       A         reciprocal leveling            

B         differential leveling                                                          

 C        fly leveling                        

 D        x-sectioning

46.    The rise and fall method provide check on

C       A         back sight               

B         inter sight                

C         fore sight                 

D         all of these

47.    Leveling carried out to establish the bench mark.

C       A         profile                       

B         check

C         fly                   

D         reciprocal

48.    The leveling operation always starts from a

B       A         datum                       

B         bench mark             

C         change point                      

D         all of these

49.    In any leveling operation the number of back sight and foresight reading are

A       A         equal             

B         unequal                    

C         proportional                        

D         no effect

50.    In plotting longitudinal sections the vertical scale is mostly _____than horizontal scale in order to make the inequalities of the ground more apparent

A       A         exaggerated                       

B         less               

C         equal             

D         no effect

51.    The scale used for plotting the horizontal and vertical measurements of a cross section is __

A       A         same             

B         staggered                

C         reduced                   

D         any one

52.    A voiding very _____ sights can minize the error of faulty focusing tube.

B       A         short             

B         long               

C         medium                    

D         no effect

53.    _____can be eliminated by focusing the eye piece and object glass

A       A         parallax                    

B         bubble tube error              

C         focusing tube error         

 D        all of these

54.    Boundary line of still water in lake shows.

C       A         level surface                       

B         horizontal surface             

C         contour line                     

D         vertical surface

55.    Contour interval is defined as

A       A         vertical distance between two contour                       

B         horizontal distance between two contour              

 C        horizontal distance between two lines            

D         all of these

56.    Contour interval depends upon.

D       A         nature of ground   

B         scale of map           

C         purpose of survey                  

 D        all of these

57.    For location surveys in plain areas contour interval is generally kept as

B       A         50 ft to 100 ft                       

B         5ft to 10 ft                 

C         1 ft to 2 ft                  

D         ½ ft to 1 ft

58.    Surface is indicated on contour plan by straight and equispaced lines

A       A         plane surface         

B         uniform slope         

C         stepping surface       

D          no effect

59.    A lines passing through the saddles and summits gives.

C       A         boundary line         

B         water shed line         

C         centre line               

D         velly line

60.    Intersection angle between contour and ridge line is

C       A        45 degree                

B         60 degree                

C         90 degree                

D         120 degree

61.    The alignment of highways are generally taken along.

A       A         ridgelines                

B         valley line                

C         level line                   

D         spheroidal line

62.    When several contours coincide it indicates

B       A        valley                        

B         vertical cliff              

C         ridge             

D         overhanging cliff

63.    Multiplying constant of mostly tacheometers is

C       A         1                     

B         50                   

C         100                

D         300

64.    Multiplying constant of tacheometer is denoted by

A       A         f/a                   

B         i/f                    

C         ixf                   

D         f+d

65.    Stadia constant is also called

B       A         additive constant              

B         multiple constant              

C         permanent constant                                     

D         none of these

66.    In hydrographic survey float is used to determine

B       A         depth of water                    

B         velocity of water                

C         quantity of water                        

 D        all of these

67.    In hydrographic survey current meter is used to measure

B       A         discharge                

B         velocity                    

C         current of water                                                    

D         tropical velocity

68.    The rod float measures the following velocity of water

C       A         lowest velocity                   

B         highest velocity                 

C         average velocity                      

 d        all of these

69.    Sounding line is also called

A       A         lead line                   

B         sounding chain                 

C         rang line                   

D         all of these

70.    Irregular area may be computed by an instrument known as

B       A         pentagraph             

B         planimeter               

C         passometer             

D         abney level

71.    The point at which value of depth in cutting or height of filling is zero is called

C       A         zero point                

B         centre point            

C         intermediate point                                 

D         all of these

72.    Gradients are given in the roads in hilly area

B       A         flat                 

B         steep             

C         minimum                  

D         none of them

73.    Section of a road at which area of cutting and filling both exists is called

B       A         economical             

B         partially cutting and filling                      

C         good 

D         bad

74.    If product of depth at centre line and cross slope increases the half breath of a hilly road then section of this road will be

A       A         fully in cutting                    

B         fully in filling                       

C         partially cutting & filling                                    

D         both a and b

75.    If the full supply level of an irrigation channel is lower than natural surface level then this section will be called

A       A         fully in cutting                    

B         fully in filling                       

C         partially cutting & filling  

D         any one

76.    If bed level of a canal is lower than natural surface level where as full supply level is above it then this section will be called

C       A         fully in cutting                    

B         fully in filling                       

C         partially cutting & filling        

D         any one

77.    It is regular shape

D       A         rectangle                 

B         square                      

C         circle             

D         all of these