Civil Engineering Mechanics

1       Measuring unit of mass in British system is

B       A         kilogram                   

B         slug               

C         pound                       

D         newton

2       Centroid of a semicircle lies at a distance from its base

A       A         4R/2Ï€            

B         2R/4Ï€            

C         4R/3Ï€            

D         3R/4Ï€

3       Measuring unit of moment of inertia in M.K.S system

C       A         in4                  

B         cm4                

C         m4                  

D         cm3

4       M.I.O of a square is

A       A         D4 / 12                       

B         D4 / 6             

C         D4 / 12                       

D         D4 / 36

5       Moment of inertia of a square having side 1 cm

D       A         1 cm4             

B         4 cm4             

C         1/10 cm4                   

D         1/12 cm4

6       M.O.I of a rectangle having B = 12 and D = 1 cm

A       A         1 cm4             

B         4 cm4             

C         1/12 cm4                   

D         12 cm4

7       M.O.I of right angle triangle of base I and height h about its base

A       A         lh3/12             

B         hl3/36             

C         lh3/48             

D         lh3/36

8       M.O.I of isosceles triangle having base 2 cm and height 6 cm about axis passing through c.g and normal to base

C       A         1 cm4             

B         4 cm4             

C         12 cm4                      

D         36 cm4

9       Resistance to plastic indentation is

C       A         toughness               

B         elasticity                  

C         hardness                 

D         stiffness

10     Resistance of a material against impact

B       A         hardness                 

B         toughness               

C         resilience                 

D         modulus

11     Strain energy is also called

C       A         potential energy                

B         kinetic energy                    

C         resilience          

D         atomic energy

12     The greatest hardness number is of this metal

D       A         copper                      

B         alluminium              

C         steel              

D         nitride surface

13     The diameter of ball indentor in brinell hardness test is

D       A         15 mm                       

B         20 mm                       

C         25 mm                       

D         10 mm

14     Shape of shear force diagram in case of cantilever having point load at its free end

B       A         triangle                     

B         rectangle                 

C         circular                     

D         parabolic

15     Unit of B.M in S.I units

C       A         Lb-ft              

B         Kg-m             

C         N-m               

D         Ton-ft

16     The load of slab of uniform thickness

C       A         point load                

B         live load                   

C         U.D.L             

D         U.V.L

17     Shape of B.M.D of a simply supported beam having U.D.L at full span

B       A         cubical                     

B         parabolic                 

C         rectangular             

D         triangular

18     Point of countra flexure acts in the such beam

C       A         cantilever                 

B         simply supported              

C         overhanging                                                      

D         propped cantilever

19     Value of vertical reaction at fixed end of a cantilever 3m long having U.D.l @ 100 N/m

C       A         zero               

B         450 N            

C         300 N            

D         150 N

20     Value of B.M at free end of a cantilever 3m long having U.D.l @ 100 N/M

A       A         zero               

B         450 N.m                    

C         300 N.m                    

d          150 N.m

21     Maximum bending moment for a simply supported beam with UDL is

D       A         WL3/8            

B         WL/4              

C         WL/2              

D         WL2/8

22     The capacity to resist plastic deformation of a material

C       A         elasticity                  

B         plasticity                  

C         brittleness               

D         dactility

23     Ratio of change in diameter to original diameter

C       A         stress                       

B         strain            

C         lateral strain            

D         volumetric strain

24     Ratio of direct stress to volumetric strain

B       A         young’s modulus              

B         bulk modulus                     

C         modulus of rigidity                  

D         section modulus

25     Unit of shear force in S.I units

C       A         pound                       

B         kilogram                   

C         newton                     

D         dyne

26     In S.I units the unit of stress is

B       A         Kg/cm2                     

B         N/mm2                       

C         N/cm2            

D         Kg/mm2

27     Shear stress is also called

D       A         normal stress                     

B         direct stress            

C         bearing stress                                     

D         tangential stress

28     Strength of a beam is directly proportional to

D       A         section modulus               

B         bulk modulus             

C         shear modulus                

D         all of these

29     The unit of modulus of section is

B       A         Kg-m2                       

B         m3 or Cm3                

C         m2 or Cm2                

D         Cm4 or m4

30     Flexural rigidity is product of

C       A         GJ                  

B         MZ                 

C         EI                   

D         FZ

31     Force applied per unit area is called

C       A         unit force                 

B         strain            

C         stress                       

D         none of these

32     Stress measured at a plane perpendicular to direction of force

A       A         direct stress  

B         normal stress              

C         principal stress                     

 D        all of these

33     Stress produced by two forces acting on a body in two different directions

C       A         normal stress                     

B         principal stress                  

C         biaxial stress               

D         all of these

34     A plane having no shear stress is called

B       A         normal stress                     

B         principal stress                  

C         auxiliary plane                                            

D         biaxial stress

35     Moment area method is used to determine

A       A         slope and deflection                     

B         S.F and B.M            

C         tensile stress                                              

D         compressive stress

36     Deflection at free end of a cantilever beam having a point load W at free end

A       A         Wl3/3EI                      

B         wl3/8EI                      

C         Wl4/3EI                      

D         Wl3/2EI

37     Value of maximum deflection that acts at a point of cantilever

B       A         fixed end                  

B         free end                    

C         middle                      

D         both ends

38     Value of deflection at the ends of a simply supported beam

C       A         maximum                 

B         minimum                  

C         zero               

D         average

39     Deflection of beam is directly proportional to

A       A         load               

B         young’s modulus              

C         section modulus                 

D         moment of inertia

40     Deflection in beam is inversely proportional to

C       A         load               

B         span              

C         M.O.I              

D         both a and b

41     If the length of simply supported beam carrying a point load at the centre is doubled the deflection at the centre will become

C       A         two times                 

B         four times                

C         eight time                 

D         sixteen times

42     Equivalent length of column with both ends hinged

D       A         0.707 L                      

B         0.50 L            

C         2 L                 

D         L

43     Rankins formula is used to calculate crippling load for such column

C       A         short column                      

B         long column                       

C         both a and b               

D         none

44     Axial load is also called

C       A         vertical load            

B         eccentric load                    

C         concentric load                                 

D         design load

45     Slender column means

A       A         long column                       

B         short column                      

C         medium column                 

D         pier

46     A column whose effective height does not exceeds 15 times its least width

C       A         medium column                 

B         long column                       

C         short column                                                        

D         concentric load

47     Maximum value of pitch in riveted joint

C       A         1.5 d              

b          2d                  

C         3d                  

D         2.5 d

48     Minimum number of rivets required to connect gusset plates

D       A         1                     

B         2                     

C         3                     

D         4

49     Relation between rivet hole and thickness of plate according to unwin’s formula

B       A         d = t               

B         d = 1.2 √t                  

C         d = 2 t            

D         d = 6 √t

50     Distance between centre of rivet to the edge of plate

C       A         pitch              

B         over lap                    

C         margin                      

D         back pitch

51     Distance between centres of two consecutive rivets in the row

B       A         margin                      

B         pitch              

C         lap                 

D         bearing

52     A standard fillet weld an angle with sides.

B       A         30o                 

B         45o                 

C         60o                 

D         90o

53     Size of fillet weld means

C       A         thickness of throat            

B         length of weld                    

C         length of leg                                  

D         thickness of plate

54     In the cross section of fillet weld the extreme point is called

C       A         throat            

B         heal               

C         toe                 

D         edge

55     Strength of longitudinal fillet as compared with transverse weld

B       A         less               

B         more             

C         equal             

D         half

56     A butt weld is specified by

A       A         effective throat                   

B         plate thickness                  

C         size of weld          

D         length of weld

57     Shape of a structural steel section

D       A         T-section                 

B         Z-section                 

C         L-section                 

D         all of these

58     Hollow steel section is also called

B       A         channel                    

B         box                

C         angle             

D         double tee

59     Structural steel section formed by two or more shapes

C       A         channel                    

B         box                

C         built up                     

D         H-section

60     Shell structure is prepared by

C       A         steel beam               

B         steel column                       

C         steel plated             

D         girder

61     Cold formed steel is of this section

C       A         S-section                 

B         W-section              

C         Hat-section             

D         all of these

62     Tensile member of a truss is called

A       A         tie                   

B         node             

C         strut              

D         rafter

63     Ratio between rise and half span of a truss

B       A         slope             

B         pitch              

C         lateral ratio              

D         buckling ratio

64     Angle of slope of a truss is called

C       A         panel             

B         toe                 

C         pitch              

D         back pitch

65     A line joining vertices of trusses is called

B       A         sky line                     

B         ridge line                  

C         peak line                  

D         top line

66     Vertical distance between vertex and supports of a truss is called

B       A         span              

B         rise                

C         pitch              

D         base

67     A perfect frame is judged with the following. Relation with number of members   n   and No. of joints  j

D       A         n < 2j -4                     

B         n < 2j – 4                   

C         n = 3j -3                     

D         n = 2j -3

68     A compressive member of truss is called

B       A         tie                   

B         strut              

C         node             

D         eave

69     Outer slopy member of a truss is called

A       A         rafter             

B         purlin            

C         strut              

D         tie

70     The plate used to join various members of a truss

B       A         base plate                

B         gusset plate            

C         steel plate                

D         double plate

71     The point where principal rafter of truss meets with the support is called

C       A         node             

B         panel point              

C         heel               

D         ridges

72     The shape of pressure diagram facing a dam

B       A         triangular                 

B         trapezoidal              

C         rectangle                 

D         none of these

73     Specific mass of water in S.I system is

D       A         1000 Kg/m3              

B         62.4 lbs/ft3                

C         1 gm/cm3                  

D         9.81 KN/m3

74     Resultant pressure should pass through the base of retaining wall safe against over turing

D       A         middle third             

B         ½ of the base                      

C         3/2 of the base                                       

D         none of these

75     Condition of stability of retaining wall against tension is

B       A         e > b/6                       

B         e < b/6                       

C         e < b/3                       

D         e > b/3

76     Distance of point of application of resultant force acting on a retaining wall from the line of action of weight of wall y =

C       A         y = P/3w                     

B         y = wh/2p                 

C         y = P/W x h/3                       

D         y = 3ph/w

77     Unit of super imposed load is

C       A         KN                 

B         KN/m             

C         KN/m2                       

D         KN/m3

78     1 mega pascal =

C       A         1 KN/cm2                  

B         1 Kg/cm2                  

C         1 N/mm2                   

D         1 N/m2