Quantity Surveying 3rd year


1       A triangular shape side wall of a slopping roof is called

A       A         gable             

B         gambrel                    

C         truss             

D         toe

2       Top most joint of a truss is called

B       A         heel               

B         ridge             

C         cleat              

D         pitch

3       Amount of maximum steel reinforcement in RCC structures is

B       A         6 %                

b          8%                 

c          10%               

d          12 %

4       In case of angle of inclination of ________ vertical and horizontal sizes of column base are equal.

B       A         30o                 

B         45o                 

C         60o                 

D         75o

5       Minimum nominal mix of concrete used with steel reinforcement

D       A         1:1:2              

B         1:1.5:3                       

C         1:2:4              

D         1:3:6

6       Trusses are used to support load of roofs for _____ span

A       A         longer                       

B         shorter                     

C         both a & b                

D         none of these

7       A rafter of a truss which directly receives the load of roof is called

B       A         principal                   

b          common                  

c          gable             

d          purline

8       Outer support of truss which receives the load of sloping roof is called

A       A         principal rafter                    

B         purlins                      

C         common rafter            

D         none of these

9       For longer span of sloping roof the most suitable supporting member is

A       A         truss             

B         T – beam                  

C         doubly reinforced beam                                   

D         none of these

10     ________ Is the horizontal member used to support common rafter of truss.

B       A         panel             

B         purlin            

C         gambel                     

D         eave

11     Walls constructed below floor level of bridge and across the flow of water are termed as

D       A         toe wall                     

B         pier                

C         abutment                 

D         wing wall

12     A water tank constructed below ground level is called.

A       A         underground water tank             

B         overhead water tank                                                      

C         surface water tank                        

D         all of these

13     End supports of bridge which are constructed parallel to flow of water

A       A         abutments               

B         piers              

C         wing wall                 

D         toe wall

14     Middle support of bridge constructed to flow of water.

B       A         abutments               

B         piers              

C         wing wall                 

D         toe wall

15     T-beam and slab type bridges are suitable upto_________ span.

A       A         20 m              

B         25 m              

C         30 m              

D         35 m

16     Triangular shape of pier end at up stream side is called.

C       A         round nose             

B         ease water   

C         cut water                  

D         none of these

17     Overhead reservoir is also called.

B       A         high level reservoir                       

B         elevated tank                      

C         Both a & b                                    

D         none of these

18     Capacity of water tank should meet ________ hour demand of population.

A       A         6                     

B         8                     

C         10                   

D         12

19     A pipe at the bottom to empty the water tank.

D       A         blind pipe                

B         vent pipe                  

C         over flow pipe              

D         washout pipe

20     A pipe provided at maximum water level in a water storage tank to flow on exceeding the capacity of tank is called

A       A         vent pipe                  

B         washout pipe                     

C         overflow pipe             

D         all of these

21     Method of execution of work in which time limit is not mentioned is called

A       A         piece work agreement                 

B         contract                   

C         work order                                 

D         tender

22     A contract in which measurement and payments to the contractor are made on item wise is called.

A       A         lump sum contract            

B         item rate contract  

C         cost plus fixed fee                      

23     _____ Is item of water supply

D       A         bib cock                   

B         union            

C         urinal            

D         all of these

24     Measuring unit of gas fitting

B       A         m2                    

B         R-m               

C         No                     

D         none of these

25     The  permeable formation of the soil of the earth’s crust is called

A       A         aquifer                      

B         aquiclude                

C         aquifuge                  

D         none of above

26     Measuring unit of sinking well.

C       A         Sft                  

B         Cft                  

C         Rft                  

D         none of these

27     _____ Is the process of digging well with the help of well kerb.

A       A         sinking                     

B         excavation              

C         blasting                    

D         all of these

28     In eagle point following type of setting is carried out for selecting units

D       A         main toll bars                      

B         primary setting                   

C         secondary setting                      

D         prototype setting

29     Smallest unit in a project.

B       A         WBS              

B         activity                      

C         event             

D         node

30     In eagle point software project setting contains

D       A         units              

B         format                       

C         precision                 

D         all of these

31     Relationship between activities of a project in primavera.

D       A         start to start                        

B         start to finish                      

C         finish to start                                          

D         all of these

32     Relationship between activities of a project in primavera.

D       A         start to start                        

B         start to finish                      

C         finish to start                                          

D         all of these

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