Transportation Engineering 3rd Year


1       A road within a town is called

D       A         trunk road               

B         country road                       

C         carriage way                                          

D         street

2       The number of vehicles using the road per hour during peak periods and average of several peak days is called

B       A         traffic rates              

B         traffic volume                     

C         average traffic                                      

D         traffic density

3       A road which provides direct communication between the centre of an urban area and the outer district is called

D       A         radial road               

B         central road            

C         ring road                                                  

D         service road

4       The depression formed by the junction of two falling gradients is

D       A         vally              

B         sag                

C         bottom                      

D         fall

5       Floating gradient are generally provided

B       A         at summit curves                           

B         at the valley curves                                                                 

C         along max. gradient                                  

D         along min. gradient

6       The recommended safe coefficient of friction is

B       A         1.5                  

B         0.15               

C         1 / 15             

D         15

7       The minimum land width for national highway in built up area should be

B       A         30.5 m                       

B         24.4 m                       

C         15.5 m                       

D         46 m

8       The width of shoulders provided on a road side varies in between 1.2 m and

B       A         2.5 m             

B         1.8 m             

C         6 m                

D         0.6 m

9       The max. design gradient for vertical profile of road is

A       A         ruling gradient                   

B         limiting gradient                 

C         exceptional gradient            

D         minimum gradient

10     The camber for the drainage of surface water was first introduced by

B       A         telford                       

B         tresaguet                 

C         sully              

D         macdam

11     The suitable gradient within which the engineer tries to design the road is called

B       A         limiting gradient                 

B         ruling gradient                   

C         average gradient                     

D         exceptional gradient

12     An essential gradient which has to be provided for the purpose of road drainage is called

B       A         maximum gradient            

B         mini gradient                                                                      

C         exceptional gradient                    

D         floating gradient

13     The total rise or fall between any two points chosen on the alignment divided by the horizontal distance between the two points is called

A       A         average gradient               

B         exceptional gradient                    

C         ruling gradient             

D         floating gradient

14     Exceptional gradient should not be provided in a length more than

A       A         10 m              

B         20m               

C         50 m              

D         100 m

15     The shape of the camber provided for cement concrete roads is

A       A         straight line             

B         parabolic                 

C         elliptical                      

D         none of these

16     It helps to drain off the rain water from road surface

A       A         camber                     

B         sub grade                

C         base              

D         side drain

17     Transverse slope given to the road surface is termed as

C       A         gradient                   

B         country slope                     

C         camber                   

D         transverse grade

18     The inward tilt given to the cross section of a carriage way on a horizontal curve to reduce the effect of centrifugal force on a moving vehicle is called

D       A         centeral elevation              

B         transverse gradient                                                                  

C         transverse elevation                     

D         super elevation

19     Non passing sight distance on national highway is

D       A         150 m            

B         200 m            

C         250 m            

D         300 m

20     The widening of road is not required when its radius will be

D       A         less then 300m                   

B         more then 300m                 

C         less then 460m                                        

D         more then 460m

21     The maximum allowable super elevation is

B       A         1:12               

B         1:18               

C         1:15               

D         1:30

22     The shapes of a vertical curve in road is

D       A         spiral             

B         elliptical                    

C         circular                     

D         parabolic

23     In the absence of super elevation on road along curves pot holes are likely to occur at the ______ of the road

B       A         centre                       

B         outer edge               

C         inner edge            

D         all of the these

24     If the width of carriage way is 10m and the outer edge is 40 cm higher than the inner edge then the super elevation required is

A       A         1 in 25                       

B         1 in 100                     

C         1 in 400                     

D         1 in 200

25     The equilibrium super elevation is given by

C       A         v2/R               

B         V2/gR            

C         V2/127R                    

D         none of these

26     The stoping sight distance is the _______ of reaction distance and the braking distance

A       A         sum               

B         difference                

C         product                          

D         none of these

27     The stopping sight distance is always _______ overtaking sight distance

B       A         equal to                    

B         less than                  

C         greater than              

D         none of these

28     Height of driver’s eye for sight distance is

D       A         1.40 m                       

B         1.44 m                       

C         0.98 m                       

D         1.22 m

29     An earthwork raised above the natural ground by the deposition of material to support construction at higher level is called

B       A         platform                   

B         embankment                      

C         stepping                  

D         benching

30     Uprooting and removing the stem & roots of small treets plants etc from the site of the work is called

C       A         grading                    

B         trimming                  

C         grubbing                  

D         stripping

31     Which of the following test measures the toughness of road aggregates

C       A         crushing strength test                 

B         abrasion test                      

C         impact test                            

D         shape test

32     The thickness of base in no case should be more than

D       A         10 cm            

B         15 cm            

C         20 cm            

D         30 cm

33     The parapet walls are usually required on the valley side of the roadway in order to

B       A         retain the earth from slippage

B         properly guide the vehicles to the roadway  

C         provide a good drainage system                      

D         keep the road dry

34     The thickness of the parapet wall on the valley side of the roadway is usually kept as

C       A         20 cm            

B         40 cm            

C         60 cm            

D         80 cm

35     A wall constructed to retain the earth from slippage on the hill side of the roadway is called

A       A         breast wall               

B         retaining wall                      

C         parapet wall                                     

D         none of these

36     Road metal (stone chippings) is not used in the following type of road surfacing

A       A         sheet asphalt                      

B         mastic asphalt                    

C         bituoninous concrete              

D         seal coat

37     Thickness of water bound macadam layer is generally adopted

D       A         15 cm            

B         20 cm            

C         25 cm            

D         30 cm

38     The surface layer of a road in which the road metal has been consolidated with water & earthly material is called

C       A         hard core                 

B         water bound macadam                

C         base coarse                     

D         rubble base

39     Max. daily traffic capacity of bituminous pavement is

C       A         500 tonnes/day                  

B         1000 tonnes/day                

C         1500 tonnes/day                       

D         2000 tonnes/day

40     When the bituminous surfacing is done on already existing black top road or over existing cement concrete road the type of treatment to be given is

B       A         seal coat                  

B         tack coat                  

C         prime coat                                                         

D         spray of emulsion 

41     Which of the following pre mix methods is used for base coarse

D       A         bituminous carpet             

B         mastic asphalt                    

C         sheet asphalt                

D         bituminous bond macadam

42     The suitable surfacing material for bridge deck slab is

C       A         sheet asphalt                      

B         bituminous carpet             

C         mastic asphalt                 

D         rolled asphalt

43     Which of the following represents a carpet of sand bitumen mix without coarse aggregate

B       A         mastic asphalt                    

B         sheet asphalt                      

C         bituminous carpet                            

D         bituminous concrete

44     Bituminous roads are also called

C       A         rigid pavement                   

B         wearing surface                 

C         black top road                          

D         WBM road

45     Which of the following represents hardest grade of bitumen

D       A         30/40             

B         60/70             

C         80/100                       

D         100/120

46     Percentage of bitumen in bitumen emulsion is

C       A         60%               

B         78%               

C         90%               

D         80%

47     The shape of the camber best suited for cement concrete pavements is

A       A         straight line             

B         parabolic                 

C         elliptical                                                         

D         combination of straight & parabolic

48     The function of an expansion joint in rigid pavement is to

A       A         relieve warping stresses             

B         relieve shrinkage stresses                                         

C         resist stresses due                                   

D         allow free expansion

49     The maximum spacing of contraction joints in rigid pavement is

C       A         2.5 m             

B         3.5 m             

C         4.5 m             

D         5.5 m

50     The maximum thickness of expansion joints in rigid pavement is

B       A         0                     

B         2.5 cm                       

C         5.0 m             

D         10 cm

51     The bars in cement concrete pavements are at

D       A         expansion joints                

B         contraction joints              

C         warping joints                            

D         longitudinal joints

52     Expansion joints in cement concrete pavements are provided at an internal of

C       A         10 m              

B         15 m              

C         18m to 21 m               

D         25 m to 30 m

53     When two concrete tracks are laid parallel to each other and at such spacing that the wheels of cart can movie in the centre of each track such a road is known as

B       A         subway                    

B         creat way                 

C         guide way                

D         rail track

54     The hard crust placed on soil formation after the completion of earthwork is known as

B       A         carpet                       

B         pavement                

C         paving                      

D         track way

55     Compaction of concrete slab is down with the help of

C       A         light roller                

B         heavy roller             

C         viberator                          

D         mixer

56     The drains filled with filter material are known as

A       A         jelly drains               

B         sub soil drain                

C         French drain                                           

D         scuppers    

57     Concrete roads are also called

B       A         flexible pavements            

B         rigid pavements                 

C         soling                             

D         all of these  

58     Road is constructed into strips when its width exceeds

C       A         3m                 

B         7.5m              

C         4.5 m             

D         6 m

59     Hinged joints are also called

C       A         construction joints                       

B         contraction joints              

C         wrapping joints                

D         expansion joints

60     No. of strips in case of 6m wide concrete road is

B       A         one                

B         two                

C         three             

D         four

61     The strip of land between side drains and lower edge of the bank is called

C       A       side drain                

B         ramp             

C         berm             

D         slope

62     A horizontal pavement constructed across a wide & shallow to pass the traffic fair weather season is called

C       A         bridge                       

B         tunnel                       

C         causeway                                                          

D         submersible bridge

63     The drain which is provided parallel to roadway to intercept and direct the water from hill slopes is known as

B       A         sloping drain                      

B         catch water drain              

C         side drain                       

D         cross drain

64     The walls which are necessary on the hill side of roadway where earth has to be retained from slipping is known as

A       A         retaining wall                      

B         breast wall               

C         parapet wall                                  

D         none of above

65     A splayed extension of an abutment of a bridge on a culvert is known as

C       A         kerb               

B         parapet wall            

C         wing wall                   

D         projection wall

66     A bridge having a cross width of 6m or less between the faces of abutments is known as

B       A         causeway                

B         culvert                      

C         kerb               

D         short span bridge

67     A drain provided in the slope of cutting to intercept the water flowing down the cut slope is called

A       A         catch drain              

B         side drain                

C         slope drain                                

D         side ditch

68     A bridge designed to allow normal floods to pass through its vents but allowed to be overtoped during flood is called

D       A         seasonal bridge                 

B         under bridge                       

C         fair weather bridge                

D         submersible bridge

69     The maximum number of vehicles can be parked with

A       A         parallel parking                  

B         45 angle parking                

C         30 angle parking                        

D         90 angle parking

70     When two equally important roads cross roughly at right angles the suitable shape of central island is

A       A         circular                     

B         elliptical                    

C         tangent                     

D         turbine

71     When a number of roads are meeting at the point and only one of the roads is important than the suitable shape for rotary

B       A         circular                     

B         elliptical                    

C         tangent                     

D         turbine

72     Which of the following is known as design capacity

D       A         basic capacity                    

B         theoretical capacity                      

C         possible capacity               

D         practical capacity

73     ________ Island provide safety to pedestrians

C       A         traffic            

B         guide            

C         refuge                       

D         pedestrians

74     A flyover segregates traffic with respect to

B       A         direction                  

B         grade            

C         speed                       

D         class of vehicle

75     The raised areas constructed within the roadway to establish physical cahnnels through which vehicular traffic may be guided is known as

C       A         footpath                   

B         conflict area            

C         traffic island                                           

D         rotary island

76     A central area in a carriage way generally at road junctions to control traffic movement is known as

C       A         30o                 

B         60 o                

C         90 o                

D         120 o

77     A square junction in which four roads leaves the junction tangentially

C       A         circular junction                

B         elliptical junction               

C         turbine junction                        

D         multiple junction

78     A road sign indicating limit of speed is

A       A         warning sign                      

B         prohibitory sign                 

C         mandatory sign                           

D         informatory sign

79     Dead slow is a

A       A         regulatory sign                  

B         warning sign                      

C         informatory sign                     

D         mandatory sign

80     The background colour of informatory sign board is

B       A       red                 

B         yellow                       

C         green                        

D         white

81     Which of the following is indicating by a warning sign

A       A         level crossing                     

B         no parking               

C         end of speed limit                    

D         overtaking prohibited

82     Which one of the following is not a traffic control device

D       A         road signals            

B         marking                    

C         island            

D         foot path

83     The length of the side of warning signboards of roads is

B       A         30 cm            

B         45 cm            

C         60 cm            

D         75 cm

84     The maximum number of vehicles can be parked with

A       A         parallel parking                  

B         right angle parking                       

C         45o angle parking

D         75o parking

85     A road sign is generally installed above the ground at a height of

A       A         2.80 m                       

B         3.0 m             

C         3.5 m             

D         4 m

86     The breaking up of road surface layer through craking into some irregular shaped areas is called

D       A         creeping                  

B         craking                     

C         tearing                      

D         crazing

87     The removal of material from the surface of road by grinding or rubbing action is called

A       A         abrasion                  

B         isolation                   

C         disintegration                     

D         grinding

88     A groove or depression formed in a surface layer longitudinal to the road by wheels of travelling vehicles is called

A       A         rut                  

B         depression              

C         blow hole                 

D         pot holes

89     Marked local depression in a surface layer roughly circular in plan arising from the wearing away of material is called

D       A         cavity            

B         round it                    

C         blow hole                 

D         pot holes

90     The loosening of the top surface of a road by mechanical or other means is called

A       A         scarifying                

B         picking                     

C         peeling                          

D         screening

91     Wave like deformations on the road called

D       A         wave forms             

B         zig zag forms                      

C         wavy defect                                     

D         corrugation

92     A fault which occurs on roads due to distintegration of store off insufficient binder is called

C       A         cracking                   

B         distintegration                    

C         scribing                    

D         bleeding

93     Filling of cavities under concrete roads by pressure grout is called

A       A         mud jacking            

B         mud pumping                     

C         grouting                   

D         sealing

94     The loosening of a wearing surface of road under traffic or weather resulting in failure of a binding material is called

D       A         mapping                  

B         crazing                     

C         abrasion                  

D         fretting

95     _______ Is the action by which a binder in liquid from is made to penetrate into cracks.

A       A         crazing                     

B         abrasion                  

C         mapping                              

D         fretting

96     A full sized mould or frame shaped to serve as a guide in forming or testing contour of shape is called

C       A         guide            

B         die                 

C         template                   

D         tig

97     The most suitable equipment for compacting clay soil is a

C       A         smooth wheeled roller                 

B         pneumatic tyred roller                                                     

C         sheep foot roller                            

D         vibrator

98     A mechanical equipment designed to measure the proportions of the various materials required to form a charge is known as

D       A         proto type plant                 

B         sampling plant                   

C         testing plant                                

D         batching plant

99     On a W.B.M road the roller used for rolling purposes is of weight

C       A         3 to 4 tonnes                       

B         5 to 8 tonnes                       

C         8 to 19 tonnes                                          

D         15 to 20 tonnes

100   As light roller is unable to compact a very thick layer and heavy roller crushes the road metals so thickness of the layer should not exceed

C       A         5 cm              

B         10 cm            

C         15 cm            

D         30 cm

101   _____ Roller has two plane wheels

B       A         sheep foot               

B         tandem                     

C         plane               

D         viberating

102   ______   Rollers are suitable for compacting granular soil

D       A         sheep foot               

B         tandem                     

C         pneumatic             

D         viberating

103   Earth moving machinery having blade on front of it is called

B       A         tractor                       

B         digger                       

C         grader                       

D         sacrifier

104   A machine used to loose a hard surface

D       A         tractor                       

B         dozer            

C         grader                       

D         sacrifier

105   ________ Is a small hand tool used to lay bituminous material on road

D       A         tar boiler                  

B         bitumen sprayer                

C         bitumen spreader                             

D         racker

106   Which of the following meteorological condition has least effect on size & location at an airport

B       A         atmospheric presses                   

B         relative humidity    

C         air density                      

D         wind direction

107   According to ICAO the max. longitudinal gradient along the runway is limited to

A       A         1.5 %             

B         3 %                

C         5 %                

D         7%

108   According to ICAO all marking on runway are painted

A       A         white             

B         yellow                       

C         red                 

D         blue

109   The width of threshold marking is

A       A         4m                 

B         10 m              

C         15 m              

D         25 m

110   Taxiway lighting colour is

A       A         blue               

B         green            

C         red                 

D         white

111   The edge of runway from landing side is called

C       A         sharp edge              

B         landing edge                      

C         threshold                       

D         apron

112   For night landing the colour lights at threshold is

B       A         blue               

B         green            

C         red                 

D         while

113   Airport is also called

A       A         aerodrome              

B         air field                     

C         landing area     

D         approach area

114   At the airport paved space between runway and apron used for aircrafts standing is termed as

B       A         hanger                      

B         taxi way                    

C         loading bay 

D         aerodrome

115   George Stephenson succeeded in running the first train of the world in

A       A         1825              

B         1835              

C         1841              

D         1853

116   P.W.I. stands for

D       A         public work inspector                  

B         public work institution                                                 

C         private way inspector                  

D         permanent way inspector

117   Flat footed rails are fixed over sleepers placing ________ in between

B       A         chairs                       

B         bearing plates                    

C         fish plates                                               

D         tongue rail

118   It provides flexibility in permanent way under rails

C       A         chairs                       

B         keys              

C         ballast                       

D         bearing plate

119   These are part of track over which rails are fixed

B       A         chairs                       

B         sleepers                   

C         ballast                       

D         bearing plate

120   Fastening specially used at steel bridges

D       A         round spike            

B         spring spike                        

C         screwed spike                                        

D         hook bolt

121   Length of one rail used in broad in meters

D       A         30                   

B         25.5               

C         18.80             

D         12.80

122   Size of rail is expressed as

B       A         length of rail            

B         weight per unit length                  

C         gauge                                           

D         all of these

123   Slope for tilt of rails is termed as

C       A         gradient                   

B         cantt              

C         adzing                      

D         all of these

124   Slope for tilt of rails is kept as

C       A         1:10               

B         1:15               

C         1:20               

D         1:25

125   The broad gauge is _____ wide

D       A         0.6096 m                  

B         0.762 m                     

C         1.00 m                       

D         1.676 m

126   The gauge representing the maximum width and height up to which a railway vehicle may be built is known as

C       A         broad gauge                       

B         narrow gauge                     

C         loading gauge                                       

D         all of these

127   The width of top portion of a flat footed rail is

A       A         66.67 mm                 

B         69.80 mm                 

C         73.25 mm                 

D         75.87 mm

128   The rail section is designated by its

D       A         total length              

B         total weight             

C         cross sectional area                  

D         weight per meter length

129   The largest dimension of a rail section is

C       A         head width              

B         foot width                

C         height                   

D         all of these

130   The rail section is divided on the basis of

C       A         type of rails                         

B         spacing of sleepers                                                               

C         gauge of the track             

D         speed of trains

131   Charles vignole invented _________ type of rail section

C       A         double headed                   

B         bull headed             

C         flat footed                            

D         none of these

132   The fillet in a rail section is provided to

D       A         increase the vertical stiffness                

B         increase the lateral strength                     

C         reduce wear                                                

D         avoid stress concentration

133   The rail gauge is the distance between

B       A         outer faces of rail                          

B         running faces of rails                                                    

C         centre of centre of rails                

D         none of these

134   A welded rail joint is generally

B       A         supported on a sleeper                           

B         suspended                                                        

C         supported on a metal plate                                 

D         none of these

135   To reduce the wearing of rails the rails are placed at an

A       A         inward slope of 1 in 20                 

B         outward slope of 1 in 20                                 

C         inward slope of 1 in 30                 

D         outward slope of 1 in 30

136   In coning of wheels the wheels are given a slope of

A       A         1 in 20                       

B         1 in 25                       

C         1 in30            

D         1 in 40

137   The distance between two adjoining axles fixed in a rigid frame is known as

B       A         gauge                       

B         wheel base distance                    

C         creep                                             

D         none of these

138   The number of sleepers used for rail varies from

B       A         (n + 1) to (n + 4)                  

B         (n + 3) to (n + 6)                  

C         (n + 2) to (n + 7)                           

D         (n + 4) to (n + 8)

139   The spacing of sleepers is kept

B       A         closer near the joints                                           

B         closer at the middle of rails             

C         same throughout the length of rail                   

D         none of these

140   The best wood for sleepers is

C       A         sal                  

B         deodar                      

C         teak               

D         chir

141   Adzing is done in the sleepers to give a slope of

B       A         1 in 10                       

B         1 in 20                       

C         1 in 30                       

D         1 in 40

142   The composite sleepers index determines the

A       A         suitability of the wooden sleepers

            B         number of sleepers per rail length       

            C         permissible stresses in the steel sleepers     

            D         all of these

143   To prevent the change in gauge and creep the steel sleepers used over cross overs is

D       A         one key                    

B         two key                    

C         three keys               

D         four keys

144   The sleepers in the form of two bowls placed under each in rail and connected together by a tie bar are known as

A       A         pot sleepers            

B         box sleepers                       

C         plate sleepers                                         

D         duplex sleepers

145   The rail seat is given a slope of

B       A         1 in 10                       

B         1 in 20                       

C         1 in 30                       

D         1 in 40

146   The number of sleepers used per rail length on the track is known as

B       A         sleeper strength                

B         sleeper density                  

C         sleeper ratio                       

D         all of these

147   The ballast  material generally used on railways consist of

D       A         broken stone                      

B         gravel                       

C         moorum                                                      

D         all of these

148   For new embankments in black cotton soil the material used as blanket is

B       A         sand              

B         moorum                   

C         coal ash                   

D         broken stone

149   The minimum depth of ballast for broad gauge tracks on Indian railway is

B       A         200 mm                    

B         250 mm                    

C         300 mm                    

D         350 mm

150   The standard width of ballast for broad for meter gauge track on indian railways is

C       A         2.3 m             

B         2.9 m             

C         3.35 m                       

D         5.53 m

151   To hold the adjoining ends of rails in correct horizontal and vertical planes the rail fastenings used are

A       A         fish plates                

B         spikes                       

C         anchors                                                               

D         bearing plates

152   The length of each fish plate is

B       A         317.5 mm                 

B         457.2 mm           

C         514.3 mm           

D         623.4 mm

153   Fish bolts are made of

C       A         cast iron                   

B         low carbon steel                

C         high carbon steel                                  

D         stainless steel

154   Creeping of rails can be checked by using

C       A         chairs                       

B         bearing plates                    

C         anchors                   

D         spikes

155   A track is laid over

B       A         sleepers                   

B         formation                 

C         rails               

D         ballast

156   Least length of rail is

A       A         4 m                

B         6 m                

C         7 m                

D         3 m

157   Creep causes

D       A         opening of rail joins                      

B         distortion of points and crossings                                 

C         buckling of track                           

D         all of these

158   The longitudinal movement of the rails in a track is technically known as

C       A         buckling                   

B         hogging                   

C         creeping                  

D         none of these

159   The impact of the rail wheel ahead of the joint gives rise to the creep of the rail. This statement is according to

B       A         wave theory            

B         percussion theory            

C         drag theory                  

D         none of these

160   The adjustment of rails is usually needed when creep exceeds

C       A         50 mm                       

B         100 mm                    

C         150 mm                    

D         none of these

161   The flow of rail metal due to abnormally heavy loads is called

C       A         hogging                   

B         buckling                   

C         wear of rails            

D         creeping

162   When a train passes on curves which have no super elevation it will give thrust on the

D       A         inner rail                   

B         outer rail                  

C         inner side of inner rail                                        

D         inner side of outer rail

163   Creeping of rail can be checked by using

C       A         chairs                       

B         bearing plates                    

C         anchors                   

D         spikes

164   Wave action on the rails causes

D       A         adzing                      

B         cant               

C         tidal wave                

D         creep

165   Creep is also known as

D       A         shrinkage                

B         strain            

C         stress                                                                       

D         longitudinal extension

166   During starting operation the wheels of locomotive push the rails

B       A         forward                    

B         backward                

C         side               

D         all of these

167   For station yards a gradient of _________ is recommended

D       A         1 in 100                     

B         1 in 200                     

C         1 in 500                     

D         1in 1000

168   The station having two lines is called

A       A         crossing station                

B         flag station              

C         junction station                         

D         terminal station

169   The device used for changing the direction of engines is called

A       A         turn tables               

B         triangles                   

C         buffer stops                                    

D         scotch blocks

170   The device provided to prevent the vehicles from moving beyond the end of rail at terminal is called

B       A         turb tables               

B         buffer stops            

C         triangles                                                  

D         scotch blocks

171   A track assembly used for diverting train from one track to another is known as

A       A         turn out                    

B         crossings                

C         junction                   

D         none of these

172   The track from which train diverts is known as

B       A         turn out                    

B         mainline                   

C         crossing track                    

D         point

173   The distance between the adjacent faces of the stock rail and the check rail is called

C       A         heel divergence        

B         heel clearance                    

C         flange way clearance              

D         throw of switch

174   Stock rails are fitted

C       A       near tongue rails               

B         near check rails                 

C         against tongue rails                

D         against check rails

175   The switch angle is the angle subtended between the gauge face of the

A       A         tongue rail and check rail                       

B         stock rail and check rail                                    

C         stock rail and tongue rail            

D         none of these

176   The distance between the running face of the stock rail and the toe of the tongue rail is known as

D       A         heel divergence                 

B         heel clearance                    

C         flangway clearance                  

D         throw of switch

177   The crossing in which the right hand rail of one track crosses the left hand rail of another track or vice versa is called

A       A         acute angle crossing                   

B         obtuse angle crossing                                                  

C         square crossing                            

D         none of these

178   Railway crossing where two rails join at pointed ends is called

A       A         point             

B         stub               

C         split               

D         switch

179   A double crossing has noses

A       A         2                     

B         1                     

C         3                     

D         4  

180   A switch consists of a tongue rail and a

B       A         points                       

B         stock rail                  

C         stub               

D         crossing

181   No tongue rail is provided in switch

A       A         stub               

B         stock rail                  

C         points                       

D         all of these

182   A pair of witches is called

A       A         points                       

B         stock rail                  

C         crossing                  

D         stub

183   ________   Switch consists of a stock rail and tongue rail

C       A         stub               

B         through                    

C         split               

D         straight

184   ________ Is a device for directing trains from one track to another track

A       A         points                       

B         crossing                  

C         switch                       

D         tongue rail

185   The system of signaling used on single line working is

B       A         absolute block system                

B         space interval system                                                  

C         time interval system                     

D         pilot guard system

186   In case the block system fails then the system used is

B       A         space interval system                  

B         time interval system                                                     

C         pilot guard system            

D         any one of these

187   The main device used for interlocking is

D       A         point lock                

B         tradle bar                 

C         detector                                           

D         all of these

188   A warner signal which is first seen by the driver is known as

C       A         disc signal               

B         home signal            

C         outer signal                                   

D         routing signal

189   An advance starter signal is used for

A       A         shunting                  

B         goods train             

C         loco sheds                                              

D         all of these

190   In a shunting signal if the red band is horizontal it indicates

A       A         stop               

B         proceed cautiously                       

C         proceed                                                  

D         none of these       

191   A fish tailed signal is called

D       A         route signal             

B         light signal              

C         disk signal                                   

D         warmer signal

192   Low level signals used for shunting is called

C       A         route signal             

B         light signal              

C         disk signal                                    

D         warmer signal

193   The mechanical relation between levers operating the signals and points is known as

B       A         signaling                  

B         interlocking             

C         shunting              

D         controlling

194   ________ Is the last signal met near plate form

C       A       outer             

B         advance                   

C         home            

D         warner

195   _________ Is the system of joining railway carriage

C       A         signaling                  

B         interlocking             

C         shunting              

D         controlling

196   Signal directly connected with rails is called

B       A         route             

B         light               

C         disk                    

D         warner        

197   ________ Is a safety arrangement in a rail track which connects points and signals together

B       A         signaling                  

B         interlocking             

C         shunting              

D         controlling

198   ________ Indicates the track over which train is coming.

A       A         route signal             

B         light signal              

C         disk signal                                    

D         warner signal

199   The type of tunneling that is not done in case of tunneling in soft soil

B       A         needle beam method                   

B         full face method                                                                  

C         fore poling method                       

D         liner plate method

200   While placing concrete for lining in semi circular tunnel the lining is first done in

A       A         side walls                

B         invert            

C         overt             

D         roof

201   In full face method of constructing tunnel the first operation relates to

C       A         removal of bottom portion

B         excavation of are drift in the centre 

C         removal of top portion     

D         excavation being done along the parameter

202   Drift method of tunneling is used to construct tunnels in

B       A         soft ground             

B         rocks            

C         self supporting ground                        

D         broken ground

203   After lining of tunnels the grouting process is done to

D       A         seal off the water leakage

B         have proper bond between the lining and the tunnel

C         fill the space left between the lining and the tunnel

D         all the above

204   Drift method of tunneling is used to construct tunnels in

B       A         soft ground             

B         rocks            

C         self supporting ground                  

D         broken ground

205   After lining of tunnels the grouting process is done to

D       A         seal off the water leakage

B         have proper bond between the lining and the tunnel                                                           

C         fill the space left between the lining and the tunnel

            D         all the above

206   Which of the following is considered to be an advantage of the heading and benching method of tunnel construction

D       A         it is suitable for construction is unstable rocks

B         in this method it is easy to install timber support  

C         tunneling can be continuous and the work can be expedited

D         in case of excessive water it is easy to take corrective steps

207   Which one of the following is a component of a shield for tunneling

D       A         liner plate                 

B         trench jack              

C         stiffener                 

D         cutting edge

208   Which one of the following methods of tunneling is used in hard rocks

C       A         fore poling method                                               

B         needle beam method                                                        

C         heading and benching method             

D         shield tunneling method

209   Tunnel alignment is carried by

A       A         surface theodolite traverse                    

B         triangulation                                                           

C         compass traverse                         

D         aerial photography

210   For tunnel lining used for carrying sewer line the best lining material is

D       A         timber                       

B         line concrete                       

C         cement concrete                                     

D         brick masonry                    

E         steel

211   Which one of the following is an essential part of a shield

B       A         rib                  

B         hood             

C         jumbo                       

D         timbering

212   The width of flange around the liner plates is

A       A       5.0 cm                       

B         6.5 cm                       

C         10 cm            

D         8.5 cm

213   Length of kohat tunnel in km is

B       A         1.0                  

B         1.9                  

C         2.9                  

D         3.0

214   Shape of tunnel is

D       A         circular                     

B         elliptical                    

C         horse shoe           

D         all of these

215   An underground passage constructed without disturbing ground surface

B       A         bridge                       

B         tunnel                       

C         drill                

D         causeway

216   A dock parallel to the shore is called

C       A         jetty               

B         mole              

C         quay              

D         cat walk

217   Gates provided for dock enterance are known as

B       A         locks             

B         caissons                  

C         dock wall                 

D         open berth

218   Lock gates are always in

B       A         1                     

B         2                     

C         4                     

D         12  

219   Lowest tide of the month is known as

A       A         neap tide                  

B         tidal bore                 

C         spring tide               

D         diurinal tide

220   Returning current toward sea is known as

C       A         flood current                       

B         slack water              

C         ebb current                               

D         mean current

221   The problem of water level difference in reaching the dock is overcome by

A       A          lock              

B         war                

C         orifice                       

D         mouthpiece

222   The depth of sea harbor used in handling of cargo should normally be

B       A         not more than 15 m                       

B         not less than 15 m                                                      

C         not more than 7.5 m                      

D         not less than 7.5 m

223   Foundation of locks are generally made of

C       A         friction piles            

B         sheet piles               

C         bearing piles                                               

D         bearing piles protected by sheet piles

224   Plateform built for ship to come close to the shore are known as

A       A       wharves                   

B         locks             

C         ports             

D         break water

225   The break water is provided

C       A         in artificial harbour            

B         with arm                   

C         both of above                                             

D         none of above

226   A harbor protected on sides by headlands are requiring protection at enterance only in known as

B       A         natural harbor                    

B         semi natural harbor                      

C         artificial harbour              

D         natural roadstead

227   Lock gates are made of

D       A         timber                       

B         steel              

C         cast iron                   

D         both a and b

228   The lock gates may be of

D       A         straight type                       

B         curved type             

C         folded plate type                       

D         both a & b

229   Location of harbor may be gusses by

D       A         wave direction                   

B         fetch              

C         wave height                                       

D         all of above

230   Kind of repair dock may be

D       A         lift dock                    

B         floating dock                      

C         gravity dock                                    

D         all of above

231   Sea remains covered with streaking foam when nature of wind is

C       A         gale               

B         calm              

C         hurricane                 

D         moderate

232   Movement and deposition of sand in zigzag style due to drifting in the vicinity of coast is a phenomenon called

A       A         littoral drift               

B         beach drift               

C         trough action                                           

D         sedimentation

233   The impact load of ship while docking is taken up by

B       A         mooring dolphins             

B         breasting dolphins                    

C         bulk head              

D         fixed mooring berth

234   The concrete armour units are used in the construction of

A       A         break waters                       

B         wharves                   

C         dry docks                                             

D         all of above

235   A place where ship is berthed is called

D       A         harbor                      

B         break water             

C         wet dock                  

D         wharf

236   A wall construct in between open sea and harbor area

B       A         harbor                      

B         break water             

C         wet dock                  

D         wharf

237   Area of harbor used for loading / unloading is

B       A         berth             

B         wet dock                  

C         slip                

D         draft

238   The depth of keel of the ship below water is called

D       A          berth            

B         wet dock                  

C         slip                

D         draft

239   A sheet pile provided to protect beach

C       A         keel block                

B         fender                       

C         bulk head    

D         pier

240   Blocks provided on the floor of dry dock to receive ships

A       A         keel               

B         fender                       

C         pier                

D         slip

241   The rise and fall in the sea level due to attraction of moon

C       A         high water               

B         low water                 

C         tides                                                

D         slack water

242   Digging capacity of dredgers is normally upto ________ under water

B       A         100 m            

B         20 m              

C         200 m            

D         5 m

243   Removal of silt under water from a port periodically is called _______ dreding

B       A         capital                       

B         maintenance                       

C         improvement                 

D         sundry

244   Dredging of garbage at the time of constructing port is called __________ dredging.

A       A       capital                       

B         maintenance                       

C         improvement                         

D         sundry

245   A dredger having chain converyor with buckets is called

A       A         bucket                      

B         dipper                       

C         rock               

D         hydraulic

246   ________ Dredger removes soil by suction and pumps

D       A         bucket                      

B         dipper                       

C         rock               

D         hydraulic

247   ________ Dredging is carried out for special work like sanitation or reclamation

B       A         capital                       

B         sundry                      

C         maintenance                                                          

D         improvement

248   A dredger specially used in rocky sub soil is called ________ dredger

A       A         bucket                      

B         dipper                       

C         grapple                     

D         rock

249   Dredger is similar to crawler shovel

C       A         bucket                      

B         dipper                       

C         rock               

D         hydraulic

250   The initial removal of materials from sea bed is termed as

A       A         capital                       

B         sundry                      

C         improvement                          

D         maintenance 

251   Dredged material not fit for filling

D       A         rock               

B         solid              

C         loose             

D         all of these

252   The navigational aid in the form of light emanating from a permanent object and used as guiding signal is called as

D       A       bollard                      

B         anchor                      

C         capston                    

D         beacon

253   _______ Is a floating signal

A       A         light ship                  

B         light house              

C         beacon light

D         all of above

254   In an esturary the max. distance between buoys.

D       A         150 m            

B         500 m            

C         1100 m                      

D         1600 m

255   Navigational signals should be visible in

D       A         fog                 

B         night             

C         long distance                     

D         all of above

256   A tall tower having a flashing light at the top is called

C       A         buoy             

B         lightship                   

C         light house              

D         flash light

257   ________  Are used to hold ships

D       A            light buoy             

B         spar buoy                

C         wreck buoy                                             

D         morring buoy

258   The buoy used to indicate crossing cables or any obstruction are called as

C       A         light buoy                

B         spar buoy                

C         wreck buoy                                             

D         morring buoy

259   ________ Is a fixed structure guiding ship in right direction

B       A         light house              

B         beacon                     

C         signal            

D         light ship

260   __________ Are fog signals

A       A         sound signal                      

B         buoys                       

C         beacon                     

D         lightship

261   A ship specially used as signal is called as

B       A         buoy ship                

B         light ship                  

C         light house        

D         flash light

262   A guiding light for ship in sea is

C       A         light house              

B         beacon                     

C         light ship                  

D         signal

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