Hydraulics and Irrigation 3rd Year



1       The force per unit length is the unit of

A       A         surface tension                              

B         compressibility                                                 

C         capilliarity                                      

D         viscosity

2       The mercury does not wet the glass. This is due to the property of the liquid known as

D       A         cohesion                 

B         adhesion                 

C         viscosity                  

D         surface tension

3       The unit of surface tension is

A       A         N / m              

B         N / m2            

C         N / m3            

D         N-m

4       Falling drops of water become spheres due to the property of

A       A         surface tension of water             

B         compressibility of water                                              

C         capilliarity of water                        

D         viscosity of water

5       The unit of specific gravity is

D       A         kg/m2            

B         N/m3              

C         g/cm3            

D         none of these

6       Specific gravity of carbon tetra chloride is

B       A         1.59               

B         2.59               

C         3.59               

D         4.59

7       Specific gravity of aceteline tetra bromide is

A       A         1.59               

B         2.59               

C         3.59               

D         4.59

8       The height of a water column equivalent to a pressure of 0.15 MPA is

A       A         15.3 m                       

B         25.3 m                       

C         35.3 m                       

D         45.3 m

9       When the pressure intensity at a point is more than the local atmospheric pressure then the difference of these two pressures is called

C       A         gauge pressure                                         

B         atmospheric pressure                                                            

C         positive gauge pressure                         

D         vacuum pressure

10     The pressure of a liquid measured with the help of a piezometer tube is

B       A         vacuum pressure                

B         gauge pressure                                                            

C         absolute pressure                    

D         atmospheric pressure

11     A piezometer tube is used only for measuring

C       A         low pressure                      

B         high pressure                     

C         moderate pressure                                

D         vacuum pressure

12     A manometer is used to measure

C       A         low pressure                      

B         moderate pressure                       

C         high pressure                             

D         atmospheric pressure

13     Atmospheric pressure is equal to water column head of

C       A         9.81 m                       

B         5.0 m             

C         10.30 m                     

D         7.5 m

14     One meter heigh of mercury will be equal to the column height of water as

B       A         one                            

B         13.6               

C         12.5         

D         1.59

15     One kilo paskal is equivalent to

C       A         1 N/mm2                   

B         100 N/mm2                           

C         1000 N/m2                                                

D         1000 N/cm2

16     760 mm mercury column is equivalent to

A       A         10.3 m of water column                           

B         9.64 m of mercury column               

C         12.3 m of mercury column                                  

D         13.10 m of water column

17     Heavy liquid used in manometer

D       A         water             

B         bromide                   

C         mercury                   

D         none of these

18     The total pressure on a horizontal immersed surface is

C       A         w.A                

B         w x                   

C         wA x              

D         wA / x

19     The total pressure on an immersed surface inclined at an angle θ with the liquid surface is

C       A         w.A                

B         w x                   

C         wA x              

D         wAx / sin θ

20     The point at which the resultant pressure on an immersed surface acts is known as

C       A         centre of gravity                

B         centre of depth                  

C         centre of pressure                   

D         centre of immersed surface

21     The depth of centre of pressure ( h) for a vertically immersed surface from the liquid surface is given by

D       A        IG / A x – x                 

B         IG / x – Ax                  

C         Ax / IG + x                                          

D         IG / A x – x

22     The centre of pressure for a vertically immersed surface lies at a distance equal to ____ the centre of gravity.

A       A         IG / A x below                       

B         IG / Ax above                       

C         Ax / IG below                                    

D         Ax / IG above

23     A vertical wall is subjected to a pressure due to one kind of liquid on one of its sides. The total pressure on the wall per unit length.

C       A         wH                 

B         wH/2              

C         wH2/2            

D         wh2/3

24     A water tank contains 1.3 m deep water. The pressure exerted by the water per metre length of the tank is

B       A         2.89 kN                     

B         8.29 kN                     

C         9.28 kN                     

D         28.9 kN

25     A vertical wall is subjected to a pressure due to one kind of liquid on one of its sides. The total pressure on the wall acts at a distance ________ from liquid surface.

C       A         H / 3               

B         H / 2               

C         2H / 3             

D         3H / 4

26     When a vertical wall is subjected to pressures due to liquid on both sides the resultant pressure is the _______ of the two pressures.

B       A         sum               

B         difference                

C         arithmetic mean                                          

D         geometric

27     The water pressure per meter length on a vertical masonry wall of dam is

C       A         wH                 

B         wH/2              

C         WH2/2            

D         WH2/3

28     The depth of C.O.P on a vertical rectangular gate (4 m mide 3 m high) with water upto top surface is

C       A         1.0 m             

B         1.5 m             

C         2.0 m             

D         2.5 m

29     The hydrostatic force acts through

A       A         centre of pressure            

B         centre of top edge                                                        

C         meta centre                       

D         centre of bottom edge

30     The centre of pressure acts ……. The C.O.G of the immersed surface

B       A         at                    

B         above                       

C         below            

D         Can’t say

31     A gravity dam resists water pressure due to

B       A         height                       

B         weight                      

C         volume                     

D         top width

32     The value of M.O.I of a circle of diameter 2m is

B       A         0.50 m4                     

B         0.78 m4                     

C         1.78 cm4                   

D         3.14 cm4

33     Value of moment of inertia of the plate size 6 cm x 8 cm

A       A         256 cm4                    

B         240 cm4                    

C         144 cm4                    

D         512 cm4

34     When a body is placed over a liquid it will float if

B       A         gravitational force is equal to the upthrust of the liquid

B       gravitational force is less than the upthrust of the liquid

C         gravitational force is more than the upthrust of the liquid

D         none of the above

35     The centre of gravity of the volume of the liquid displaced is called

B       A         centre of pressure            

B         centre of buoyancy                                                           

C         metacentre                          

D         centre of gravity

36     The buoyancy depends upon the

A       A         weight of the liquid displaced

B         pressure with which the liquid is displaced  

C         viscosity of the liquid       

D         compressibility of the liquid

37     A body floating in a liquid is said to be in neutral equilibrium if its metacentre

A       A         coincides with its centre of gravity

B         lies above its centre of gravity                                                                                        

C         lies below its centre of gravity

 D        lies between the centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity

38     A floating body attains stable equilibrium if its metacentre is

C       A         at the centroide                  

B         above the centroide                                                             

C         below the centroide                      

D         anywhere

39     Water displaced by a floating wooden block of density 0.75 5 m long 2m wide and 3m long

C       A         17.5 m3                     

B         20.0 m3                     

C         22.5 m3                     

D         25.0 m3

40     Formula for experimental method of determining meta centre is

B       A         GM = BM – BG                    

B         GM = Wd / W tan θ             

C         W tan θ / Wd                        

D         Wd / tan θ

41     The centre of immersed part of body is

B       A         metacentre                          

B         centre of bouancy                                                              

C         centre of gravity                

D         centroid

42     A wooden block having total depth 20 cm and specific gravity 0.6. The down value of its drown depth is

D       A         6 cm              

B         8 cm              

C         10 cm            

D         12 cm

43     The imaginary line drawn in the fluid in such a way that the tangent to any point gives the direction of motion at that point is known as

B       A         path line                   

B         stream line              

C         streak line        

D         potential line

44     The flow in a pipe or channel is said to be uniform when

A       A         the liquid particles at all sections have the same velocities

B         the liquid particles at different sections have different velocities                              

C         the quantity of liquid flowing per second is constant         

D         each liquid particle has a definite path

45     A flow in which the velocity of liquid particles at all sections of the pipe are equal is called

B       A         uniform flow                       

B         stream line flow                 

C         steady flow                       

D         compressible flow

46     Unit of discharge in S.I system is

A       A         Cumecs                   

B         Cusecs                     

C         N/sec            

D         m/sec

47     Unit of discharge is

A       A         Cumec                      

B         Newton / sec                       

C         m / sec                      

D         KN / sec

48     Bernoullis theorem deals with the principle of conservation of

A       A         energy                      

B         momentum              

C         mass             

D         force

49     For a perfect incompressible liquid flowing in a continuous stream the total energy on a particle remains the same while the particle moves from one points another. This statement is called.

B       A         continuity equation                      

B         bernoulli’s equation                                                               

C         pascal’s law                        

D         archimede’s principle

50     The length of the divergent cone in a venturimeter is __________ that of the convergent cone.

C       A         equal to                    

B         double                      

C         three to four times                                            

D         five to six times

51     The velocity of the liquid flowing through the divergent portion of a venturimeter.

C       A         remains constant              

B         increases                 

C         decreases                                               

D         depends upon mass of liquid

52     In order to avoid tendency of separation at throat in a venturimeter the ratio of the diameter at throat to the diameter of pipe should be

D       A         1 / 16 to 1 / 8                        

B         1 / 8 to 1 / 4              

C         1 / 4 to 1 / 3                                 

D         1 / 3 to 1 / 2

53     The pressure of the liquid flowing through the divergent portion of a venturimeter

C       A         remains constant              

B         increases                 

C         decreases                                    

D         depends upon mass of liquid   

54     In flowing liquid pitot tubes are used to measure

C       A         discharge                

B         pressure                  

C         velocity                    

D         depth

55     In a venturimeter the approximate value of coefficient of discharge for fluids having low viscosity should be

C       A         1                     

B         1.5                  

C         0.95               

D         0.62

56     Kinetic head is calculate by

B       A         P/W                

B         V2/2g             

C         mgh               

D         √2gh

57     Pressure head is calculated by the formula

C       A         √2gh              

B         V2/2g             

C         p/w                

D         w/p

58     Kinetic head is calculate by formula

B       A         p/w                            

B         V2/2g             

C         2gh                

D         5gh

59     At what angle pitot tube is bent

D       A         450                 

B         600                      

C         750                 

D         900

60     The loss of head entrance in a pipe is

B       A         v2/2g              

            B         0.5 v2/2g                   

            C         0.375 v2/2g               

            D         0.75 v2/2g     

61     The loss of head at exit of a pipe is

A       A         v2/2g              

B         0.5 v2/2g                   

C         0.375 v2/2g               

D         0.75 v2/2g

62     The frictional resistance of a pipe varies approximately with _______ of the liquid

C       A         pressure                  

B         velocity                    

C         square of velocity                                                 

D         cube of velocity

63     According to darcy’s formula the loss of head due to friction in the pipe is

D       A         flv2/2gd                     

B         flv2/gd                       

C         3 flv2/2gd                  

D         4 flv2/2gd

64     The hydraulic mean depth for a circular pipe of diameter (d) is

B       A         d / 6               

B         d / 4               

C         d / 2               

D         d

65     The total energy line lies over the hydraulic line by an amount equal to the

B       A         pressure head                                                

B         velocity head                                                                          

C         pressure head + velocity head         

D         pressure head - velocity head  

66     The hydraulic gradient line lies over the centre line of the pipe by an amount equal to the

A       A         pressure head                                                   

B         velocity head                                                                          

C         pressure head + velocity head         

D         pressure head - velocity head

67     The velocity of the fluid particles at the centre of the pipe section is

B       A         minimum                  

B         maximum     

C         equal throughout                         

D         none of these

68     Flow in pipe is laminar if Renold mumber is

A       A         less then 2100                    

B         more the 3000                    

C         between 2100 to 3000

D         non of these

69     A pipe is said to be long if its length exceeds

A       A         1000 times the diameter of the pipe

B         500 times the diameter of the pipe        

C         80 times the diameter of the pipe          

            D         diameter of the pipe

70     The total energy line les over the hydraulic gradient line by an amont equal to

D       A         V2/2g             

B         V2/g               

C         V/2g               

D         V/g

71     Major head loss is due to

C       A         bend      

B         obstruction            

C         friction                      

D         enlargement

72     One stoke is equal to

A       A         10-4m2/sec                

B         10-3 m3/sec                           

C         10-4 sec/ m2                                   

D         10-5 m2/sec

73     The discharge through a small rectangular orifice is given by

A       A         Q = Cd x a x √2gh               

B         Q = 2/3Cd x a x h                                                              

C         Q = Cd x a / √2gh                

D         Q = 3Cd x a / √2h

74     The discharge through a wholly drowned orifice is given by

C       A         Q = Cd x bh1 √2gh                          

B         Q = Cd x bh2 √2gh                                            

C         Q = Cd x b(H2 – H1) /√2gh             

D         Q = Cd x bh √2gh

75     A pipe of length more than double the diameter of orifice fitted externally or internally to the orifice is called a

C       A         notch            

B         weir               

C         mouthpiece             

D         nozzle

76     The difference between the theoratial and actual velocity of the jet at vena contracta is mainly due to

C       A         eddy currents                     

B         velocity of approach                    

C         friction                             

D         boundary layer

77     An orifice is said to the large if the available head of liquid is more then ____ times the height of orifice

D       A         2                     

B         3                     

C         4                     

D         5 

78     Average value of co-efficient of discharge of flowing liquid through orifice

B       A         0.97               

B         0.62               

C         0.67               

D         0.82

79     The continuous stream of  liquid that comes out from a orifice is termed as

C       A         vena contracta           

B         mouthpiece          

C         jet              

D         nappe

80     Minimum section of the jet of water is

B       A    orifice                 

b  vena contracta              

c   mouth piece                                                  

d   all of these

81     An opening in the side of a tank or vessel such that liquid surface with the tank is below the top edge of the opening is called

B       A   weir                     

b   notch                   

c   orifice                  

d   mouthpiece

82     The discharge over a rectangular notch is

C       A         2/3 Cd x b √2gh                               

B         2/3 Cd x b √2g x H                                                          

C         2/3 Cd x b √2g x H3/2                      

D         2/3 Cd x b √2g x H2

83     The discharge over a right angled notch is

D       A         8/15 Cd √2g x H                               

B         8/15 Cd √2g x H 3/2                                                       

C         8/15 Cd √2g x H 2                

D         8/15 Cd √2g x H5/2

84     If the coefficient of discharge is 0.6 then the discharge over a right angled notch is

B       A         0.417H5/2                  

B         1.417H5/2                  

C         4.171H5/2                  

D         7.141H5/2

85     The notch engle for maximum discharge over a triangular notch is

C       A         30o                 

B         60o                 

C         90o                 

D         120o

86     A stepped notch is a combination of

A       A         rectangular notches of different sizes

B         triangular notches of different sizes                                                                                  

           C          rectangular and triangular notches     

             D        all of above

87     Bottom edge of a notch

C       A         head              

B         heel               

C         sill                  

D         nappe

88     Better shape of notch is

A       A         triangular                 

B         rectangular             

C         trapezoidal           

D         none

89     Formula for calculating discharge over triangular notch is

B       A         Q = 1.137 h5/2                       

B         Q = 1.147 h5/2                       

C         Q = 1.137 h3/2                                           

D         Q = 1.147 h3/2

90     The top of the weir over which the water flows is known as

A       A         sill or crest              

B         nappe or vein                     

C         orifice                                                         

D         none of these

91     According to francis formula the discharge over a rectangular weir is

B       A         2/3Cd(L – nH) √2gH                       

B         2/3Cd(L – 0.1nH) √2gH3/2                                     

C         2/3Cd(L – nH) √2gH3/2                    

D         2/3Cd(L – 0.2nH) √2gH5/2

92     The cippoletti weir is a ___ weir

C       A         rectangular             

B         triangular                 

C         trapezoidal                                  

D         circular

93     The francis formula for the discharge over cippoletti weir is

C       A         1.84Lh1/2                   

B         1.84Lh                      

C         1.84Lh3/2                   

D         1.84Lh5/2

94     The thickness of a sharp crested weir is kept less than the height of water on the sill

B       A         one-third                  

B         one-half                    

C         one-four            

D         two-third

95     The side slopes of cippoletti weir is generally kept

A       A         1 to 4             

B         1 to 3             

C         1 to 2             

D         1 to 50

96     The discharge over a cippoletti weir of length 2.185 m when head over the weir is 1m

D       A         2.0 m3            

B         2.5 m3            

C         3.0 m3            

D         4.0 m3

97     A weir generally used as a spillway of a dam is

B       A         broad crested weir            

B         ogee weir     

C         submerged weir                       

D         cippottet weir

98     As per francis formula the value of Cd for a rectangular weir will be

C       A         0.6                  

B         0.598             

C         0.623             

D         0.743

99     As per francis the reduction in length of crest due to end contraction is taken as

B       A         0.01 L            

B         0.1 H              

C         0.01 L + 0.1 H                      

D         0.003 L

100   Weir may also be used to measure

C       A         velocity of flow                                                       

B         pressure                                                                                   

C         discharge in a river or chanel                     

D         kinetic energy

101   A weir is said to be broad crested if its breast is more than

B       A         2H/5               

B         2H/3               

C         H/2                 

D         H/3

102   End contraction is taken into account while calculating discharge over a weir a weir by the formula

A       A         francis                      

B         bazin             

C         chezy            

D         kutter

103   Chezy’s constant C = 1.81 + K/√m is suggested by

A       A         bazin             

B         kutter            

C         manning                  

D         powell

104   For most economical rectangular section of a channel the depth is kept

B       A         one fourth of the width                

B         half the width                                                                

C         Hydraulic mean depth                             

D         three times the hydraulic radius

105   The most economical section of a rectangular channel is one which has hydraulic mean depth or hydraulic radius equal to

A       A         half the depth                     

B         half the breadth                 

C         twice the depth                                      

D         twice the breadth

106   The most economical section of a trapezoidal channel is one which has hydraulic mean depth equal to

A       A         ½ depth                 

B         ½ breadth             

C         ½ sloping side                                                          

D         ¼ (depth + breadth)

107   The most efficient section of a channel is

D       A         triangular                 

B         rectangular             

C         square                                                   

D         trapezoidal

108   In an open channel water flows under

A       A         force of gravity                               

B         almosphesic pressure                                                            

C         hydrostatic pressure                    

D         mechanical pressure

109   Highest efficiency is obtained with a channel of …….. section

D       A         circular                     

B         square                      

C         rectangular    

D         trapezoidal

110   In an open channel flow the discharge corresponding to critical depth is

B       A          minimum                 

B         maximum                 

C         zero               

D         average

111   Value of chezy’s constant while calculating discharge

D       A         10 – 20                      

B         20 – 30                      

C         30 – 40                      

D         40 – 70

112   Hydraulic mean depth is given by

C       A         P/A                 

B         A x P             

C         A/P                 

D         A + P

113   In an economical trapezoidal section. Hydraulic mean depth is equal to

B       A         1/d                 

B         d/2                 

C         d/4                 

D         4/d

114   The art of applying water to agriculturable land by artificial means is termed as

B       A         cultivation               

B         irrigation                  

C         agriculture     

D         non of these

115   Areas where annual rainfall is more than the following amount in cm in suitable intervals of time no irrigation is required.

C       A         40                   

B         60                   

C         100                

D         120

116   Cultivation is not possible without irrigation in the areas where annual rainfall is less than

C       A         100cm                       

B         20cm             

C         25cm             

D         50cm

117   Numbering of the irrigation system of Pakistan in the world is

A       A         first                

B         second                     

C         third              

D         fourth

118   Prefferably the amount of total salt be less than the following in water used for irrigation purposes

B       A         500 ppm                   

B         1000ppm                  

C         1500 ppm                 

D         2000 ppm

119   A water having more than the following amount of total salt in PPM is considered unsuitable for irrigation purposes

B       A         1500              

B         2000              

C         3000              

D         4000

120   Irrigation system in Pakistan is such largest system in the world

C       A         1st                   

B         2nd                  

C         3rd                  

D         4th

121   Total irrigation area in million acres in Pakistan is

B       A         23                   

B         33                   

C         43                   

D         52

122   Main source of water for irrigation is

A       A         rainfall                      

B         rivers            

C         oceans                     

D         springs

123   Dams are not constructed in the following regions

C       A         mountainous                      

B         sub mountainous        

C         alluvial                                            

D         all of these

124   Discharge in Pakistani rivers in the period of march – june due to

B       A         rainfall                      

B         melting of snow                 

C         artision                             

D         none

125   Total amount of flow of all rivers of Pakistan in million acre foot

C       A         100                

B         120                

C         140                

D         150

126   Total need of irrigation water for total agricultural land in Pakistan in million acre feet

C       A         120                

B         140                

C         202                

D         410

127   Furrow method of irrigation is suitable for such type of crops

C       A         orchard                    

B         food crops              

C         vegetables                   

D         wheat

128   Basin method of irrigation is suitable for such type of crop

A       A       orchard                    

B         food crops              

C         vegetables  

D         cotton

129   Indus basin pact was settled in the year

C       A         1947              

B         1954              

C         1960              

D         1980

130   Number of link canals constructed in Pakistan under Indus basin treaty

C       A         6                     

B         8                     

C         9                     

D         11

131   Number of barrages  constructed in Pakistan under Indus basin treaty are

C       A         2                     

B         3                     

C         5                     

D         7 

132   Length of trimmu sidhnai link canal in km is

A       A         70.4               

B         44.4               

C         28.2               

D         12.5

133   Sidhnai barrage is constructed on the river

B       A         Sutlej            

B         ravi                

C         Chenab                    

D         Jhelum

134   Length of rasul barrage in meters is

A       A         978                

B         1028              

C         1100              

D         1300

135   Height of mangla dam in meters is

A       A         100.6             

B         150.4             

C         178.4             

D         105.4

136   Punjab irrigation and drainage authority (PIDA) was established in

C       A         1980              

B         1986              

C         1997              

D         2001

137   Indus river system authority (IRSA) was established in

B       A         1980              

B         1992              

C         1998              

D         2006

138   The number of off take canals from taunsa barrage are

A       A         2                     

B         3                     

C         4                     

D         5

139   Dam is usually constructed on this stage of river

B       A         mountaneous                     

B         boulder                    

C         alluvial                      

D         deltaic

140   Number of off taking canals from sucker barrage are

D       A         4                     

B         5                     

C         6                     

D         7

141   Barrage is usually constructed on this stage of river

C       A         mountaneous                     

B         boulder                    

C         alluvial                      

D         deltaic

142   The period in days during which irrigation water is supplied to a crop

A       A         base period             

B         crop period             

C         total period                                   

D         kore period

143   The total depth of water required by a crop during the entire period the crop is in the field is known as is termed as

B       A         duty               

B         delta              

C         total head                

D         kor depth

144   Average delta of rice in cm is nearly

C       A         30                   

B         60                   

C         120                

D         150

145   Rabi crops are sown in this season

C       A         summer                    

B         winter                       

C         spring                       

D         autumn

146   Kharif crops are sown in this season

C       A         summer                    

B         winter                       

C         spring                       

D         autumn

147   The area irrigated in hectares with continuous supply of one cumec water during a base period of a crop is termed as

A       A         duty               

B         delta              

C         kor watering                       

D         paleo

148   Crop having more duty is

C       A         rice                

B         suger cane              

C         wheat            

D         cotton

149   The duty is largest

A       A         on the field                                      

B         at the head of water course                                                   

C         at the head of main canal            

D         same at all places

150   From the followings which crop is said to be a kharif crop

B       A         wheat            

B         rice                

C         tobacco                    

D         surgar cane

151   The ratio between the area of a crop irrigated and the quantity of water required during its entire period of growth is known as

C       A         delta              

B         duty               

C         base period           

D         crop period 

152   The relation between duty delta and base period is

C       A         Δ = 8.64 B / D                      

B         Δ = 86.4 B / D                      

C         Δ = 864 B / D                                                

D         Δ = 8640 B / D

153   The optimum depth of kor watering is 19 cm for

C       A         wheat            

B         sugarcane               

C         rice                

D         cotton

154   The duty of a crop is 432 hectares per cumec when base period of the crop is 100 days the delta for crop will be

B       A         100                

B         200                

C         432                

D         864

155   The first watering before sowing the crop is known as

B       A         kor watering                       

B         paleo             

C         delta              

D         duty

156   The entire area enclosed between an imaginary boundary line to include an irrigation project is known as

B       A         irrigation project area                   

B         gross commad area                                                                

C         culturable area                               

D         net area

157   Crop period for rice in days

C       A         80                   

B         90                   

C         120                

D         140

158   The outlet discharge factor is the duty at the head of

C       A         main canal               

B         branch canal                      

C         distributary                                

D         water course

159   The ratio of actual area irrigated and culturable command area is called

D       A         cropratio                  

B         duty               

C         capacity factor                                                      

D         intensity of irrigation

160   Average duty for sugarcane in hectre per cubic meter is

D       A         200                

B         400                

C         600                

D         800

161   When steep land is available the method of irrigation adopted is

A       A         free flooding                       

B         border flooding                  

C         check flooding                               

D         basin flooding

162   For closed growing crops like wheat the method of irrigation used is

B       A         free flooding                       

B         border flooding                  

C         check flooding                                       

D         basin flooding

163   The method of irrigation used for orchards is

A       A         basin flooding                    

B         check flooding                   

C         free flooding                                           

D         border flooding

164   An irrigation system mostly used in Pakistan

A       A         surface irrigation                           

B         sus-surface irrigation                                                             

C         sprinkling irrigation                      

D         all of these

165   Free flooding system of irrigation is suitable for

C       A         orchards                  

B         vegetables              

C         forms            

D         all of these

166   Basin method of irrigation is suitable for such type of crops

A       A        orchards                  

B         food crops         

C         vegetables            

D         all of these

167   Furrow method of irrigation is suitable of such type of crops

C       A         orchards                  

B         food crops         

C         vegetables            

D         all of these

168   Border strip method is such a type of surface irrigation

A       A         flooding method                

B         furrow method                   

C         basin method                             

D         drip method

169   Area of water retained in storage irrigation is termed as

A       A         reservoir                  

B         dam               

C         pickup weir                                               

D         diversion weir

170   The total quantity of water in a lake up to full lake level is termed as

B       A         maximum storage             

B         gross storage                     

C         dead storage                        

D         live storage

171   Vertical distance above full lake level to the top of the dam termed as

A       A         free board                

B         top board                 

C         safe board            

D         deck board

172   The quantity of water from sill level to the top of the dam termed as

A       A         gross storage                     

B         dead storage                      

C         live storage                                  

D         max. storage

173   Safety valve of the dam is said to the

C       A         sluice gate               

B         gallery                      

C         spillway                    

D         tunnels

174   A weir provided at some kilometers down stream side of the dam is termed as

B       A         diversion weir                    

B         pick up weir            

C         storage weir                                

D         small dam

175   Discharge of a stream indicates such information about the catchment area of the stream

B       A         area               

B         velocity                    

C         run off                       

D         any one

176   Dicken’s formula for discharge estimation is

B       A         Q = CA2/3                  

B         Q = CA3/4                  

C         Q = CA4/3                  

D         Q = CA3/2

177   The difference in level between top of a bank and FSL in a canal is called

B       A         berm             

B         free beard                

C         height of bank                         

D         none

178   A dam constructed with the material locally available near the dam site is termed as

B       A         earthen dam                       

B         low level dam                     

C         local dam                                     

D         rock fill dam

179   A dam which is constructed by material pumped from borrow pit to the dam by pipes is termed as

A       A         hydraulic fill dam                           

B         semi hydraulic fill dam                                                 

C         rock fill dam                                                

D         concrete dam

180   A dam with insufficient spillway may fail due to

C       A         settlement               

B         piping                       

C         over topping                                              

D         silting

181   Arch dam is not suitable for

C       A         narrow sides                      

B         small discharge                 

C         narrow sites                                     

D         wider sites

182   Bays of the weir on canal head regulate side having lower level with respect to normal bays are called

B       A         glacis            

B         under sluices                     

C         gates             

D         apron

183   A divide wall is constructed parallel to

C       A         axis of weir              

B         axis of regulator                

C         axis of river                                      

D         any of above

184   Storage weir is constructed upto a height of

C       A         4.5 m             

B         9m                 

C         18 m              

D         20m

185   Division weir is constructed upto a height of

C       A         3 m                

B         4.5 m             

C         9 m                

D         15 m

186   Inverted filter is provided on the following side of the weir

B       A         up stream                

B         down stream                      

C         both sides               

D         none of these

187   Path of seapage flow under the weir is enlarged by providing

A       A         curtain wall             

B         inverted filter                      

C         core wail                     

D         sheet pile

188   Energy of water is dissipated on down stream side of the weir by providing

C       A         glacis            

B         apron            

C         friction blocks           

D         water cushan

189   Friction blocks on d/s concrete floor of barrage are provided

C       A         to strengthen floor                        

B         to control seepage                                           

C         to destroy energy                          

D         to control friction

190   The walls constructed in fish ladder to reduce velocity of water are called

C       A         curtain walls                       

B         toe walls                  

C         baffle walls    

D         flank walls

191   On the curve of a river outer side has such charge of silt

A       A         less               

B         heavy            

C         no effect

192   The enclosure between head regulator divide wall and under sluices is called

C       A         silt ejector                

B         silt excluder            

C         silt pocket    

D         silt vanes

193   Sill level of head regulator of canal is kept at a level with respect to the under sluices crest as

B       A         below            

B         higher                       

C         same             

D         any one

194   Silt controlling device constructed at river bed in front of canal head regulator is termed as

B       A         silt ejector                

B         silt excluder            

C         silt pocket    

D         none of these

195   Silt controlling device constructing on the canal downstream at some distance from the canal head regulator is termed as

C       A         silt pocket                     

B         silt excluder            

C         silt ejector          

D         silt vanes

196   Diaphragm wall is constructed at silt at this position

A       A         horizontal                

B         vertical                     

C         inclined                    

D         anyone

197   Extra water having high silt charge carrying to the river is termed as

C       A         main canal               

B         side channel                       

C         escape channel                                     

D         none of these

198   Diphragm is constructed slightly _____ the bed level of channel

B       A   below                  

B         above                       

C         depressed   

D         suppressed

199   Silt entering into canal should reach at this point

C       A         bed of canal            

B         bank of canal                      

C         field                                           

D         water course

200   A regulator made on main canal at d/s of off taking branch canal is called

C       A         head regulator                   

B         off taking regulator                       

C         cross regulator               

D         branch regulator

201   A structure provided in the canal to dispose off silt is called

B       A         filt excluder             

B         silt ejecter                

C         skimming waves                                    

D         all of these

202   A structure made to narrow the section of canal is called

B       A         notch            

B         flume             

C         fall                  

D         cushion

203   A canal aligned nearly parallel to the contours of a country is known as

C       A         water shed canal               

B         side slope canal                

C         contour canal                

D         ridge canal

204   A canal aligned approximately parallel to the natural drainage of a country is called

A       A         side slope canal                

B         water shed canal                                                       

C         contour canal                                

D         ridge canal

205   The water shed canal is also called

C       A         side slope canal                

B         contour canal                     

C         ridge canal                                 

D         none of these

206   Irrigation canals are generally aligned along

B       A         contour line            

B         water shed              

C         striaght line                                  

D         valley line

207   A canal aligned at right angles to the contour of the country is known as

A       A         side slope canal                

B         contour canal                   

C         water shed canal                     

D         branch canal 

208   A canal aligned at the ridge line is termed as

C       A         contour canal                     

B         side slope canal                

C         water shed canal                      

D         ridge canal 

209   Diameter of curve on the canal should be time more than its bed width

B       A         5 – 10            

B         10 – 15                      

C         15 – 201                    

D         20 – 30

210   Minimum radius to be provided at curves of a canal

C       A         50 meter                   

B         60 meter                   

C         90 meter                   

D         100 meter

211   Providing an impervious layer at the bed and sides of a canal to check leakage of water is termed as

B       A         pitching                    

B         lining             

C         paving                      

D         grouting

212   Regime section of a canal is that where it shows

C       A         silting            

B         scouring                  

C         silting nor scouring                                                    

D         both silting of scoring

213   The gap or margin of height between full supply level and top of the bank is called

A       A         free board                

B         boured                     

C         berm                                                         

D         inspection road way

214   The narrow strip of level left at ground level between the inner toe of the bank and top edge of cutting is known as

D       A         free board                

B         dowel            

C         inspection road way                                          

D         berm

215   The formula for slope of channel given by lacey’s silt theory is

B       A         S = f5/3/3240Q1/6                              

B         S = f5/3/3340Q1/6                  

C         S = f5/3/3440Q1/6             

D         S = f5/3/3540Q1/6

216   According to kennedy’s silt theory critical velocity is equal to

C       A         0.65 m D0.64              

B         0.68 m D0.86              

C         0.55 m D0.64                                 

D         0.58 m D0.46

217   Extra soil dumped in the form of bank parallel to main bank during digging of canal is called

D       A         counter berm                      

B         dowla            

C         extra bank                                      

D         spoil bank

218   For diversion of flood water of rivers the type of canal constructed

D       A         ridge canal              

B         drain             

C         peremial canal                                                  

D         inundation canal

219   When area of cross section of a canal and velocity is given then discharge is equal to

B       A        AC√mc                     

B         Q = AV                      

C         A x m3/2                     

D         A x m7/2

220   A sudden fall of level of ground along the aligament of a canal joined by an Inclined bed is called

B       A         rapid fall                   

B         cylinder fall             

C         sudden fall                                             

D         hydraulic jump

221   A parabolic glacis type fall is commonly known as

C       A         montage fall            

B         inglis fall                  

C         sarda fall                                                   

D         vertical type fall

222   The best energy dissipation on d/s of a canal drop is caused in

C       A         sarda type fall                     

B         glacis fall                 

C         ogee fall                                                      

D         montage fall

223   Drop of canal bed at suitable places is called

C       A         draw down              

B         bed drop                  

C         fall                  

D         all of these

224   Minimum bed slope of canals

B       A         1:1000                       

B         1:5000                       

C         1:8000                       

D         1:10000

225   Maximum bed slope of canals

B       A         1:1000                       

B         1:2000                       

C         1:3000                       

D         1:4000

226   At the point of canal fall bed level should be

B       A         above N.S.L                        

B         below N.S.L            

C         at N.S.L                                                    

D         any where

227   Stopped canal fall is provided when difference of bed level on both sides of the fall is more than

C       A         1:00m            

B         1.5m              

C         1.8m              

D         2.00 m

228   A fall which can measure the discharge of the canal

B       A         discharge fall                      

B         meter fall                  

C         weir fall                                                             

D         venture fall

229   Flume fall is also termed as

B       A         trapezoidal fall                    

B         glacis fall                       

C         splayed fall                                   

D         all of these

230   Single notch fall is normally suitable for a discharge upto this quantity in cumecs

C       A         2.5                  

B         1.8                  

C         1.4                  

D         1.2

231   Vertical fall is suitable upto such extent

A       A         1.2m              

B         2.4m              

C         3.4m              

D         4.0m

232   A small pond made at downstream side of a fall to dissipate the energy of water is termed as

B       A         standing waves                 

B         cushion                    

C         still water                                               

D         all of these

233   A structure constructed at suitable place for safe disposal of drainage water across the channel is called

B       A         regulation works               

B         cross drainage works                  

C         cross regulator            

D         canal falls

234   When drainage water at the point of crossing goes over an irrigation channel the structure is termed as

B       A         aqueduct                 

B         super passage                   

C         high passage                                                     

D         final escape

235   A cross drainage work in which irrigation water and drainage work mix with each other and then separate through regulators is called

C       A         inlet and outlet                   

B         siphon                      

C         level crossing                                                     

D         aqueduct

236   Inlet and outlet is considered suitable when drainage water is

A       A         of small quantity                

B         of good quantity                

C         both of above

237   Inlet having bed level at the same level of full supply level of irrigation channel is termed as

B       A         weir inlet                  

B         flush inlet                 

C         flat inlet                    

D         none of these

238   Weir inlet is suitable when bed level of natural drain is

B       A         flush with F.S.L of irrigation channel

B         lower than F.S.L of irrigation channel 

C         above the F.S.L of irrigation channel  

239   To maintain the designed full supply level of the channel at the end portion of channel such structure is considered suitable

A       A         tail escape               

B         weir               

C         fall                  

D         aqueduct

240   The type of canal alignment which involves maximum cross drainage works is a

B       A         ridge canal              

B         contour canal                     

C         side slope canal                          

D         valley line canal 

241   An irrigation canal freely flowing under a drainage channel is specifically called a

D       A         canal crossing                   

B         canal junction                    

C         canal siphon                                         

D         super passage

242   When an irrigation canal is taken over a drainage channel the crossing is called

A       A         an aqueduct                       

B         a super passage                

C         an level crossing                         

D         a tail escape

243   The drainage water is sometimes allowed to join the canal water to increase the supplies through a structure called

B       A         canal outlet             

B         a siphon                   

C         a level crossing                                                   

D         inlet and outlet     

244   In a canal siphon flow is

A       A         pipe flow                                          

B         under atmospheric pressure                                                                

C         with critical velocity                      

D         under negative pressure

245   Method of silt clearance from distributaries which is commonly adopted is

C       A         dredging                  

B         flushing                    

C         excavation       

D         none of these

246   According to into out system of external silting distance between cross bunds is kept in meters as

A       A         150 – 300                     

B         300 – 450          

C         450 – 1000          

D         1000- 15000

247   According to long reach system of external silting distance between cross bunds is kept in meters as

C       A         1800 – 2450        

B         1450 – 1800             

C         1200 – 1500       

D         700- 1200

248   Original embankments of a canal are shifted outside in the following system of silting

A       A         internal system                  

B         external system                 

C         in both system                         

D         none of these

249   Back berm is also called as

B       A         internal berm                      

B         counter berm                      

C         extra berm                                   

D         all of these

250   To cover the saturation gradient line such type of berm is provided

A       A         back berm               

B         internal berm                      

C         extra berm                               

D         none of these

251   To cover the saturation gradient minimum cover should be provide as

A       A         0.5 m             

B         1.0 m             

C         1.5 m             

D         2.0 m

252   Most favourable temperature for weed grouth is

C       A         10 – 15oC                 

B         15 – 18oC                 

C         20 – 30oC                 

D         30 – 40oC

253   If the saturation gradient line cut the back sloping side of embankment then following treatment is suitable

A       A         formation of back berm               

B         formation of internal berm                                                

C         remodeling                                      

D         none of these

254   A structure at the head of a water course is termed as

B       A         inlet               

B         outlet            

C         head regulator                   

D         cross regulator

255   An outlet discharging capacity of which depends on the water level in the distributary as well as in the water course is designated as

A       A         non modular                       

B         modular                   

C         rigid       

D         none of above

256   An outlet in which the discharge depends upon the difference in level between the water levels in distributing channel and the water course is know as

C       A         non modular outlet                       

B         semi modular outlet                                                               

C         rigid modular outlet                      

D         modular outlet

257   An outlet discharging capacity of which depends on the water level in the distributary is designated as

B       A         non modular                       

B         semi modular               

C         rigid modular                                          

D         modular

258   Which of the followings is a flexible outlet

A       A         kennedy’s gauge outlet               

B         submerged pipe outlet                                                

C         Gibb’s outlet

259   A.P.M outlet is a such type of outlet

B       A         non modular                       

B         semi modular               

C         rigid modular                                          

D         flexible

260   A pipe outlet having upstream end submerged in the distributary and discharging freely in the water course is designated as

B       A         non modular                       

B         semi modular               

C         rigid modular                                         

D         modular

261   Open flume type of outlet is designated as

B       A         non modular                       

B         semi modular               

C         rigid modular                                         

D         modular

262   Gibb’s module is a type of outlet

C       A         non modular outlet                       

B         semi modular outlet                                                                

C         rigid modular outlet                      

D         open flume outlet

263   Two or more outlets fitted together at the tail of distributary are called as

B       A         tail race                    

B         tail escape         

C         tail cluster                                                       

D         none of above

264   When discharge of an outlet is independent of water levels in the water course and the distributary the outlet is termed as

D       A         flexible outlet                                  

B         non modular outlet                                                                    

C         semi modular outlet                      

D         rigid modular

265   The ratio of head recovered to head put in an outlet is called

D       A         proportionality                   

B         flexibility                  

C         sensitity                   

D         efficiency

266   An outlet is said to be proportional if its flexibility is

C       A         equal to zero                       

B         less than unity                   

C         equal to unity                                       

D         more than unity

267   The ratio of the rate of change of discharge of an outlet to the rate of change of discharge of the distributing channel is termed as

B       A         proportionality                   

B         flexibility                  

C         sensitity                   

D         efficiency

268   The sensitinity of rigid module is

A       A         equal to zero                       

B         less than unity                   

C         equal to unity                                        

D         more than unity

269   Land is termed as water logged if water table lies at such depth from ground surface

A       A         0.5                  

B         1.0m              

C         1.5m              

D         5m

270   Sudden increase in yield of crops indicates

A       A         fertility of soil                      

B         alkalinity of soil                  

C         water logging                                       

D         none of above

271   Necessary depth of water table for sugarcane is

B       A         0.3 m             

B         0.5 m             

C         0.9 m             

D         1.9 m

272   Necessary depth of water table for wheat is

C       A         0.5 m             

B         0.9 m             

C         1.5                  

D         5m

273   Intercepting drain is constructed in such direction w.r.t the canal

A       A         parallel                     

B         across                      

C         inclined                    

D         anyone

274   Effect of lining of canals and water courses is

B       A         increases water logging              

B         decreases water logging                                

C         no effect

275   Cultivation is not possible for normal crops in the soil having pH value

C       A         11                   

B         9                     

C         7                     

D         0

276   The most suitable value of pH for cultivation is

A       A         7 – 8.5                       

B         8.5 – 9.5                    

C         9 – 11            

D         11 – 14

277   Sulphuric acid has such effect on the soil

C       A         reduces acidity                  

B         reduces alkalinity              

C         increases alkalinity                  

D         none of above

278   Green manuring has such effect on the pH value

B       A         decreases               

B         increases                 

C         no effect                                                  

D         none of above

279   A river training work is generally required when the river is

A       A         meandering            

B         aggrading                

C         degrading                                                

D         all of above

280   The bank provided along the flow on the ends of weir is termed as

A       A         guide bank              

B         approach bank                  

C         afflux bank                                  

D         none of above

281   Unbridged width of the river outside the barrage is blocked by such type of bank

B       A         guide bank              

B         approach bank                  

C         afflux bank                                  

D         none of above

282   Attracting spur is constructed towards downstream at an angle ranging

C       A         15 – 20                      

B         20 – 30                      

C         30 – 60                      

D         60 – 90

283   Devices employed to deflect the current of the river towards the weir

C       A         apron            

B         marginal bund                    

C         spur        

D         guide bank

284   A structure constructed to protect river banks is called

A       A         guide bank              

B         cut off                       

C         dyke              

D         spur 

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