Project Management 3rd year


1       ______ is a managerial function which decides what when where and how of a job

A       A         planning                  

B         organizing               

C         staffing                     

D         controlling

2       A form of human association for achieving a common goal.

A       A         organization           

B         construction team 

C         project team             

D         staff

3       The concept of functional organization was developed by

B       A         henri fayol   

B         F.W taylor    

C         H.L gantt                  

D         P.F drucker

4       In irrigation department a circle is headed by

C       A         SDO              

B         exam             

C         SE                  

D         chief engineer

5       In _____ organization experts of every field are available

B       A         line                

B         functional                

C         line & staff               

D         staff

6       Technical sanction of project is given on the basis of

B       A         rough cost estimate                     

B         detailed estimate        

C         revised estimate                    

D         anyone

7       Feasibility report includes

D       A         preliminary survey            

B         rough cost estimate                                                                    

C         site selection                                  

D         all of these

8       Estimate required to get technical sanction is

B       A         rough cost              

B         detailed                    

C         revised                                                        

D         none of these

9       The purpose of ________ report is to see that project is beneficial from economic & social point of view

C       A         project                      

B         progress                  

C         feasibility                 

D         all of these

10     Probable time of completion of project can be ascertained from

A       A         preliminary planning                    

B         feasibility report                 

C         project report                  

D         rough cost estimate

11     Detailed drawings are to be included in ________ report

B       A         feasibility                 

B         project                      

C         progress                  

D         all of these

12     Preparation program of construction systematically is called

A       A         scheduling              

B         planning                  

C         execution                

D         tendering

13     Arrangement of storing for construction material on a prescribed from is known as ___ schedule.

D       A         construction                       

B         labour                       

C         finance                     

D         material

14     Earliest method used for planning of projects

C       A         CPM              

B         pert                

C         bar chart                  

D         milestone chart

15     Owning cost of machinery is called

C       A         cost + fuel                

B         cost + repair            

C         cost of purchase                                  

D         none of these

16     Earth moving machinery having swinging blade at its middle

D       A         tractor                       

B         bulldozer                 

C         ripper            

D         scraper

17     Operational cost of machinery ________

B       A         cost of purchase               

B         fuel                            

C         repair             

D         all of these

18     Carrying out construction work according to specification is called

A       A         quality control                    

B         inspection               

C         execution                

D         progress

19     Before inspection ________ should be decided

C       A         specification                       

B         time of inspection 

C         degree of accuracy                               

D         all of these

20     Method of execution of work in which time limit is not mentioned is called

A       A         piece work agreement                 

B         contract                   

C         work order                                 

D         tender

21     ____ Contract deals with ready made articles or services

B       A         lump sum                

B         turnkey                     

C         package                   

D         labor

22     In _______ contract payment is made for all items of work together.

C       A         item rate                   

B         turnkey                     

C         package                   

D         cost plus fee

23     No construction work can be started until land is

A       A         acquired                  

B         leased                       

C         pledged                    

D         purchased

24     _______ Is the invitation of rates from contractors for construction of work or supply of material

B       a          tender                       

B         quotation                 

C         bid                 

D         all of these

25     _______ Is the offer to supply some material or construction of work on contract

A       A         tender                       

B         quotation                 

C         grant             

D         contract

26     Tenders called from one or two contractors

B       A         private tender                     

B         negotiated tender              

C         open tender                            

D         none of these

27     Tender is not acceptable without submitting _______ with it.

C       A         security money                  

B         demand notes                    

C         earnest money                                                

D         all of these

28     Is the approval by competent authority for execution of project

B       A         administrative approval               

B         technical sanction

C         both a & b                      

D         none of these

29     Earnest money is kept a percentage of total cost of project

A       A         2 %                

B         5 %                

C         10%               

D         20 %

30     Retention money is usually ________ % of the total cost of work

B       A         5                     

B         10                   

C         15                   

D         20

31     Advance payment made to the contractor for making necessary arrangement to start work is called.

B       A         secured advance     

B         mobilization money                      

C         retention money                            

D         earnest money

32     Unpaid wages of work people engaged on the work is recorded in this part of muster roll

B       A         1st                   

B         2nd                  

C         3 rd                

D         4th

33     A bill payment is called

A       A         voucher                   

B         indent                       

C         both a & b                

D         none of these

34     _____ Is authorized to draw money from treasury on bills for making payments

C       A         SDO              

B         XEN               

C         DDO               

D         site incharge

35     Advance payment made to contractor against security of material at site

C       A         first payment                      

B         imprest                     

C         secure advance                 

D         security

36     Overall control of stores lies with an officer called

C       A         sub engineer                      

B         SDO              

C         XEN               

D         S.E

37     Store debitable to _______ account are used to record material purchased for unidentified projects.

A       A         suspense                

B         final               

C         major            

D         minor

38     _________ Head of account is used for material purchased for identified project

B       A         suspense                

B         final               

C         major            

D         minor

39     A triplicate from used to issue some articles from store is called

A       A         indent                       

B         quotation                 

C         tender                       

D         M.B

40     ________ Is the counting of stock after suitable intervals.

A       A         physical verification                                 

B         inspection              

C         recounting                             

D         all of these

41     _________ Account of material is maintained at site of project

C       A         suspense                

B         detailed                    

C         material at site                                           

D         none of these

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