B.A Compulsory English-I 1423/9407/5404 ASSIGNMENT No. 1 Spring, 2024


Course: Compulsory English-I 1423/9407/5404

                                                 Semester: Spring, 2024

    Level: B.A/Associate Degree



Q. 1    Suppose your cousin has recently qualified CSS               exam and you are interested to follow him/her in               your educational career but you have no idea about            the entry requirements and procedural aspects of               CSS, Written questions you will ask your cousin to            obtain maximum information about the entire                       course of action from applying to qualify the exam.


1. Understanding CSS (Central Superior Services) Examination

General Information:

  1. What is the CSS exam, and what is its purpose?
  2. How frequently is the CSS exam conducted?
  3. Which governing body administers the CSS exam?

Eligibility Criteria: 4. What are the age requirements for the CSS exam? 5. What are the educational qualifications needed to sit for the CSS exam? 6. Are there any nationality or domicile requirements for the CSS exam? 7. Is there any work experience required before applying for the CSS exam?

2. Application Process

Initial Steps: 8. When does the application process for the CSS exam typically start? 9. Where can one find the official application form for the CSS exam? 10. Are there any fees associated with the application process? If so, how much?

Document Submission: 11. What documents are required to be submitted along with the application form? 12. Is there a need for attested copies of educational certificates and degrees? 13. Are there any specific guidelines for the photographs to be submitted with the application?

Application Submission: 14. How is the application form submitted - online or by post? 15. What is the deadline for submitting the application form?

Confirmation: 16. How does one confirm that their application has been successfully submitted? 17. Is there a way to track the application status online?

3. Preparation Phase

Study Material: 18. What are the recommended books and resources for CSS exam preparation? 19. Are there any online resources or websites that provide useful study material? 20. Do coaching centers play a significant role in CSS exam preparation?

Study Plan: 21. How much time is generally required to prepare for the CSS exam? 22. Can you provide a sample study schedule or plan? 23. How important is it to follow current affairs and news during the preparation phase?

Subjects and Syllabus: 24. How many subjects are there in the CSS exam? 25. What are the compulsory and optional subjects in the CSS exam? 26. Can you provide an overview of the syllabus for the CSS exam? 27. How does one choose the optional subjects? Are there any specific criteria or strategies?

4. Examination Phase

Written Examination: 28. How is the written examination structured? 29. What is the duration and format of each paper in the written exam? 30. Can you provide some tips on how to effectively manage time during the written exam?

Preparation for Written Exam: 31. Are past papers helpful for preparation? If yes, where can one find them? 32. Are there any specific writing techniques or strategies to follow for the written exam? 33. How can one improve their essay writing skills for the CSS exam?

Examination Centers: 34. How are the examination centers allocated? 35. Can candidates choose their preferred examination center?

5. Post Written Examination

Result Declaration: 36. When are the results of the written examination typically announced? 37. How are candidates notified about their results? 38. What is the passing criteria for the written examination?

Medical Examination: 39. What is the purpose of the medical examination in the CSS selection process? 40. What medical tests are conducted, and where? 41. Are there any specific medical fitness criteria?

Psychological Assessment: 42. What is the psychological assessment, and why is it important? 43. Can you describe the format of the psychological assessment?

6. Interview and Final Selection

Interview Process: 44. How is the interview process conducted? 45. What types of questions are typically asked during the interview? 46. How can one prepare for the interview?

Final Merit List: 47. How is the final merit list prepared? 48. What factors are considered in the final selection? 49. When is the final merit list announced?

7. Training and Joining

Training Programs: 50. What type of training is provided to successful candidates? 51. Where is the training conducted, and what is its duration? 52. What subjects and skills are covered during the training?

Joining the Service: 53. What are the joining formalities once the training is completed? 54. How are the job postings or assignments decided? 55. Are there any probationary periods for new officers?

8. Career Path and Growth

Career Development: 56. What are the typical career paths for a CSS officer? 57. How often are promotions granted in the civil services? 58. What are the opportunities for further education and specialization within the civil services?

Work-Life Balance: 59. How demanding is the job of a CSS officer? 60. What are the common challenges faced by CSS officers in their career?

9. Personal Insights and Advice

Personal Experience: 61. What was your overall experience of preparing for and taking the CSS exam? 62. Can you share some personal challenges you faced during your preparation?

Advice: 63. What key advice would you give to someone starting their CSS exam preparation? 64. Are there any common mistakes that aspirants should avoid?

Motivation and Inspiration: 65. What kept you motivated throughout your CSS exam journey? 66. How did you handle stress and maintain a positive outlook during your preparation?

10. Miscellaneous

Additional Resources: 67. Are there any online forums or study groups that are particularly useful? 68. Can you recommend any motivational books or speeches for aspirants?

Backup Plans: 69. What should one consider as a backup plan if they do not qualify for the CSS exam? 70. Are there other similar competitive exams one can consider?

Q. 2    Observe your elder sibling's daily activities closely            for a few days and then write a brief and concise               paragraph about his/her daily routine. The                           paragraph must be both cohesive and coherent.


My elder sibling starts the day early at 6:00 AM, beginning with a brisk jog around the neighborhood for about 30 minutes. After returning home, they have a healthy breakfast consisting of oatmeal, fruits, and a cup of green tea. By 8:00 AM, they are ready for work, heading to their office, where they spend most of their day engaging in meetings, project planning, and collaborating with their team. Lunch is typically a light salad or sandwich, eaten at their desk. Post-work hours, which end around 5:00 PM, are often dedicated to attending a fitness class at the local gym or practicing yoga at home. Evenings are usually spent unwinding with a good book or watching a favorite TV series. Dinner is a balanced meal, often including vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Before bed, they spend some time preparing for the next day, organizing their tasks, and catching up on any remaining work. The day concludes around 10:30 PM with a few minutes of meditation to ensure a restful night's sleep. This consistent and well-structured routine reflects their disciplined and health-conscious lifestyle, balancing work commitments with personal well-being.

Q. 3    In section C of Unit 2, you have learnt synonyms               and antonyms as part of vocabulary. Write down               the synonyms and antonyms of the following                       words. And then make at least one sentence on                   each antonym

               i.       Below

               ii.      Clean

               iii.     Huge

               iv.     Deep

               v.      Cool

               vi      Admit

               vii.    Accept

               viii.   Big

               ix.     Better

               x.      Behind

               xi.     Large

               xii.    False

               xiii.   Fast

               xiv.    Infant

                xv.    Start.


i. Below

Synonyms: Beneath, Under, Lower

Antonym: Above

Sentence: The birds were flying high above the treetops.

ii. Clean

Synonyms: Tidy, Neat, Pristine

Antonym: Dirty

Sentence: The kitchen was so dirty after the party that it took hours to clean.

iii. Huge

Synonyms: Enormous, Massive, Gigantic

Antonym: Tiny

Sentence: The tiny kitten fit perfectly in the palm of my hand.

iv. Deep

Synonyms: Profound, Intense, Extensive

Antonym: Shallow

Sentence: The shallow end of the pool is safe for young children to play in.

v. Cool

Synonyms: Chilly, Cold, Refreshing

Antonym: Warm

Sentence: The warm blanket was comforting on a cold winter night.

vi. Admit

Synonyms: Confess, Acknowledge, Accept

Antonym: Deny

Sentence: Despite the evidence, he continued to deny any involvement in the incident.

vii. Accept

Synonyms: Receive, Approve, Embrace

Antonym: Reject

Sentence: She was heartbroken when the publisher decided to reject her manuscript.

viii. Big

Synonyms: Large, Huge, Gigantic

Antonym: Small

Sentence: The small bird built a nest in the tree outside my window.

ix. Better

Synonyms: Improved, Superior, Enhanced

Antonym: Worse

Sentence: The weather got progressively worse as the storm approached.

x. Behind

Synonyms: After, Following, Back

Antonym: Ahead

Sentence: The runner was far ahead of the others, winning the race easily.

xi. Large

Synonyms: Big, Huge, Vast

Antonym: Small

Sentence: The small café was cozy and inviting.

xii. False

Synonyms: Untrue, Incorrect, Fake

Antonym: True

Sentence: The statement was true and supported by solid evidence.

xiii. Fast

Synonyms: Quick, Speedy, Rapid

Antonym: Slow

Sentence: The old computer was painfully slow, taking forever to load any program.

xiv. Infant

Synonyms: Baby, Newborn, Toddler

Antonym: Adult

Sentence: As an adult, she took on many responsibilities that she never imagined as a child.

xv. Start

Synonyms: Begin, Commence, Initiate

Antonym: Finish

Sentence: He was determined to finish the marathon, despite feeling exhausted.

Q. 4    Write an informal letter to one of your nephews and            express your apologies for not being able to attend            his wedding ceremony.


I hope this letter finds you in great spirits and that your wedding day was everything you and [Nephew's Spouse's Name] dreamed it would be. First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to both of you on your beautiful union. Marriage is a wonderful journey, and I wish you both a lifetime filled with love, happiness, and countless cherished moments.

I am truly sorry that I couldn't be there to celebrate this special occasion with you. Missing your wedding was not something I ever imagined, but circumstances beyond my control kept me away. Please know that my thoughts and best wishes were with you every moment of that day.

I have heard so many wonderful things about the wedding. Friends and family have shared stories of the joy, laughter, and love that filled the air. I am especially sorry to have missed the chance to see you in your wedding attire and to witness the happiness on your faces as you exchanged vows.

Although I wasn't physically present, I was there in spirit. I hope to see lots of photos and videos soon, and I can't wait to hear all about it from you personally. Let's plan a time to catch up, and you can share all the details of your special day with me. I am looking forward to hearing about everything - from the ceremony and the speeches to the dancing and the food.

Once again, please accept my sincerest apologies for not being able to attend. I am so proud of you and so happy for the love you have found with [Nephew's Spouse's Name]. You both mean the world to me, and I promise to make it up to you by being there for all the important moments in your life ahead.

Sending you both all my love and best wishes.

Warmest regards,

[Your Name]

Q. 5    In Section A of Unit 2. you have read about how to seek confirmation and how to make confirmation questions. Suppose someone has given you the following statements, how will you ask for confirmation and use tag questions? Follow the example.                                                                         

         Example:   Someone: I have 11 children.

                           You: you have 11 children. Haven't you?

i.           Ali has visited sixteen countries.

ii.          I was here early morning.

iii.         He doesn't have six fingures in his left hand.

iv.          I have walked all the way from Murree to                   Islamabad.

v.           Your phone number is 03023456789.


i. Someone: Ali has visited sixteen countries.
You: Ali has visited sixteen countries, hasn't he?

ii. Someone: I was here early morning.
You: You were here early morning, weren't you?

iii. Someone: He doesn't have six fingers on his left hand.
You: He doesn't have six fingers on his left hand, does he?

iv. Someone: I have walked all the way from Murree to Islamabad.
You: You have walked all the way from Murree to Islamabad, haven't you?

v. Someone: Your phone number is 03023456789.
You: Your phone number is 03023456789, isn't it?

Q. 6    In Section A of Unit 4, expressing possibility and               impossibility is taught to you. Write about your                   plans, intentions, wishes, and dreams that you                   think will perhaps come true. (five sentences) and               the things that you think might not be possible to               happen (five sentences). Follow the example.

Example:   I may get married this year.

                  I might not get promotion this year.


Plans, Intentions, Wishes, and Dreams (Possibility)

  1. I may travel to Europe next summer.
  2. I might start a new job in a different city soon.
  3. I could finish writing my novel by the end of the year.
  4. I hope to buy a house in the near future.
  5. I might learn to play the guitar this year.

Things That Might Not Be Possible (Impossibility)

  1. I might not be able to climb Mount Everest.
  2. I may not get a chance to meet my favorite celebrity.
  3. I might not move to a different country next year.
  4. I may not have enough time to start a new hobby this month.
  5. I might not see my old friends as often as I would like.         
Q. 7    Look at the front cover given below and make ten               predictions about the contents of the                                   book.                                


Based on the cover of the book titled "Children's Atlas Book: Explore the World's Treasures" by Thomas Kohn & Sarah Voss, here are ten predictions about the contents of the book:

  1. World Maps: The book likely contains detailed maps of different continents and countries, designed to be child-friendly and engaging.

  2. Geographical Information: It probably includes information about various geographical features such as mountains, rivers, deserts, and oceans.

  3. Cultural Insights: There might be sections dedicated to the cultures, traditions, and lifestyles of people from different parts of the world.

  4. Historical Landmarks: The book is expected to highlight famous historical landmarks and monuments around the globe.

  5. Wildlife and Nature: There could be information on the diverse wildlife and natural habitats found in different regions.

  6. Fun Facts and Trivia: The book might include interesting and fun facts to captivate young readers' attention.

  7. Illustrations and Photographs: The book likely contains colorful illustrations and photographs to make the content more appealing to children.

  8. Interactive Elements: There could be interactive elements such as puzzles, quizzes, or activities to enhance learning.

  9. Maps for Exploration: It might encourage children to explore maps and understand how to read them, including using a compass and understanding coordinates.

  10. Learning Activities: The book probably includes various learning activities and exercises to help children retain the information and make learning about geography enjoyable.

Q. 8    Suppose one of your friend has joined police                       service. Suggest him/her some suitable ways to                   improve law and order situation in the country.


Dear [Friend's Name],

Congratulations on joining the police service! This is an incredibly important role, and I am confident that you will make a positive impact. Here are some suggestions that might help improve the law and order situation in our country:

1. Community Policing

  • Engage with the Community: Building strong relationships with community members can help foster trust and cooperation. Organize community meetings, listen to their concerns, and work collaboratively to address local issues.
  • Neighborhood Watch Programs: Encourage and support the formation of neighborhood watch groups. These groups can help monitor local activities and report suspicious behavior to the police.

2. Enhance Training and Education

  • Continuous Training: Regular training sessions on the latest policing techniques, human rights, and conflict resolution can help officers perform their duties more effectively and ethically.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Training in cultural sensitivity and diversity can improve interactions with different community groups, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts.

3. Use of Technology

  • Surveillance Systems: Implement and maintain advanced surveillance systems, such as CCTV cameras, in high-risk areas to deter criminal activities and gather evidence.
  • Data Analysis: Utilize data analytics to predict crime trends and allocate resources more efficiently. This can help in preventing crimes before they occur.

4. Strengthen Legal Frameworks

  • Effective Legislation: Advocate for laws that support the police in their efforts to maintain law and order, while also protecting citizens' rights.
  • Judicial Cooperation: Work closely with the judicial system to ensure that criminals are prosecuted effectively and fairly, deterring future crimes.

5. Improve Response Times

  • Efficient Communication Systems: Invest in robust communication systems that enable quick and efficient coordination among officers and with other emergency services.
  • Mobile Units: Deploy mobile units to ensure rapid response to incidents, especially in remote or high-crime areas.

6. Public Awareness Campaigns

  • Crime Prevention Education: Run campaigns to educate the public on crime prevention measures, such as securing their homes, being vigilant, and reporting suspicious activities.
  • Community Programs: Organize workshops and seminars in schools and community centers to educate young people about the consequences of criminal behavior and the importance of abiding by the law.

7. Foster a Transparent and Accountable Police Force

  • Accountability Mechanisms: Implement clear accountability mechanisms to address misconduct within the police force. This can include internal affairs units and independent oversight bodies.
  • Transparency Initiatives: Promote transparency in police operations by regularly sharing crime statistics and progress reports with the public.

8. Collaborate with Other Agencies

  • Inter-Agency Cooperation: Work closely with other law enforcement agencies, social services, and local governments to address the root causes of crime, such as poverty, lack of education, and substance abuse.
  • International Partnerships: Collaborate with international law enforcement agencies to tackle transnational crimes like human trafficking, drug smuggling, and terrorism.

By implementing these strategies, you can help create a safer and more secure environment for everyone. Your role is crucial, and I have no doubt that you will contribute significantly to improving law and order in our country.

Best of luck in your new role!

Sincerely, [Your Name]

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